-fer, -ferous
(Latin: to bear, to carry; to produce; to bring)
Laurenda felt that her supervisor was insufferable because he was always interfering with her work without consulting or discussing it with her.
Nina said she couldn't take any more of her neighbor's insufferable arrogance of having the volume of his TV turned up so loudly almost every night after midnight.
2. Descriptive of a situation which a person finds impossible to endure: Uriah was experiencing an insufferable agony and sadness during the funeral for his wife.
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2. Involvement in something without any invitation or justification: Mason thoughtlessly used interferences at today's office meeting by interrupting the chairman, Mr. Thomas, at the beginning instead of waiting for the discussion part to take place.
3. In the game of football, the legal blocking of defensive players to protect and make way for the player carrying the ball: Jeannette's father played football and wore large shoulder pads to protect himself when he ranĀ interference so his teammate could score a touch down.
4. The inhibition or prevention of clear reception of broadcast signals or the distorted portion of a received signal: The mountains and high winds caused much interference when Jasper tried to call his wife to explain why he would be late coming home.
5. The confusion or distortion that happens when old and new learning styles or information appear to contradict each other: The interference caused by the transition from teaching in a rote manner to a more inquiry based system sometimes frustrated the teachers. for example Mr. Black.
6. An assumption or a guess which is made based on little or no evidence: It seems that some lawyers try to present evidence during trials in such a way that the jury will choose the interferences that favors their clients.
2. The rebel archangel whose fall from heaven was supposed to be referred to in Isaiah xiv. 12 (in the Old Testament Bible): Satan, the Devil was interpreted by some to be Lucifer.
3. Etymology: "light-bearing", "light-bringer", or "bringing light" from Latin lux, lucis, "light" + ferre, "to carry".
In Judeo-Christian and Islamic religions; he was the chief spirit of evil and the adversary of God; and a master of Hell.
Belief that Lucifer was the proper name of Satan began with its reference in the Bible to translate Greek Phosphoros, which translates Hebrew Helel ben Shahar in Isaiah xiv.12: "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!" [King James Version]. The verse was interpreted by Christians as a reference to "Satan", because of the mention of a fall from Heaven.
The aircraft fares that Mark and his wife purchased at a special discount for the flight to Honolulu are nonrefundable and also nontransferable tickets to any other people. They were told that they would have to use their non-transferable tickets or they would lose them.
2. Giving off a pleasing scent: Mary's odoriferous spices were ingredients that provided more pleasure when eating her meals.
Frequently a misused term, that has historically had positive connotations in the sense of "fragrant": Mary had an odoriferous rose garden.
The rose is a highly odoriferous flower.
However, another dictionary defined odoriferous as, "Having or giving off a smell; especially, an unpleasant or distinctive one".
"There was an odoriferous pile of fish remains."
So, make your choice. Odoriferous is either a pleasant odor or and unpleasant odor!
2. An amount of money which someone is willing to pay for something: Roland decided to wait for a better offer for his newly constructed house.
3. An opportunity to buy something at a price that is lower than it usually is: The store said that there was a special offer for the items which is good only while they last.
The insurance company was offering John and his wife Susan, the victims of the car accident, a significant sum of money as compensation for their injuries.
2. To make something available or to provide and to supply something: When James and Jane were tourists in New York, they couldn't find their way back to their hotel; so, a man offered to help them.3. To say or to express something as an idea to be thought about or to be considered: Mr. X, the author of the book, offers another possible explanation for the economic situations that exist today.
4. To say or to give something; such as, a prayer, or a sacrifice, as a form of religious worship: The minister, Mr. Lacy, asked his congregation to bow their heads and to offer a prayer of thanks to God.
5. Etymology: from Old English ofrian, "to offer, to show, to exhibit, to sacrifice, to bring an oblation"; from Latin offerre, "to present, to bestow, to bring before"; in Late Latin, "to present in worship"; from ob "to" + ferre, "to bring, to carry".
2. Something that is proposed or suggested during the course of a meeting or negotiation: The union member's offering for a wage increase was being considered by the management.
2. Music that is presented during church services: The offertory, which was being played on the organ, was inspirational and caused Janson to smile with happiness.
2. Characteristic of something or a place being contaminated by an epidemic ailment: Dr. Moralas worked in the pestiferous ward in the temporary hospital of the desert community.
3. Descriptive of a person who is morally evil or deadly: Slane was known to the police as a pestiferous person who hung around dark corners of the local streets waiting for an opportunity to rob someone.
4. Pertaining to an individual who is bothersome or annoying: Keith's younger brother was the most pestiferous kid in the neighborhood because he was always teasing younger children and girls.
5. Etymology: from Latin pestiferus; from pestis, "plague" + ferre, "to bear".

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2. Characterized by the contamination of infecting organisms: The health inspectors, including Mr. Gould and Mrs. Roberts, were concerned about the potentially pestiferously dangerous contamination of the meat when the refrigerators in the grocery store did not work properly.
Cross references of word families related to "bear, carry, bring": duc-; ger-; later-, -lation; phoro-; port-.