fem-, femi-

(Latin: woman, women; not masculine: neither man nor men)

Feminine (but not a female); of female form or appearance; like or resembling a female.
feminophobia (s) (noun) (no plural)
An abnormal or intense fear of women: Because of his childhood memories regarding his mother, Timothy developed a feminophobia because of her terrible, irrational, and unpredictive behaviour and he thought that all females were like her.
femiphobia (s) (noun) (no plural)
An irrational dread, or obsession, that a man has of being considered feminine or of being accused of displaying the characteristics of a woman: Being quite affected with femiphobia, Jack always wanted to have real male-attributes, and never to be confused with any female traits, so he had very short hair, wore a beard and a mustache, and talked in a very low voice.
In French combinations: femme de ménage, a charwoman, or domestic help; femme du monde, a woman of the world; femme fatale, a dangerously attractive woman; femme incomprise, a woman who is misunderstood or not truly appreciated.
femme fatale (s) (noun), femme fatales (pl)
A dangerously attractive woman: "Bernadette was considered to be beautiful and seductive; however, she was also thought to be a dangerous woman because she influenced men into dangerous or compromising situations."
femmentophilist (s) (noun), femmentophilists (pl)
A collector of hair: Mrs. Brown, a femmentophilist, was the most curious person in village because she didn't throw away any hair, but saved it in a box in her house.
An influential female civil servant or politician; especially, one noted for feminist views.

Related "woman, female" units: anilo-; gyno-; mulie-; virgo-.