fals-, fall-
(Latin: deception, untrue, incorrect; deceiving; contrary to truth and fact; lie)
1. That which is not realistic or has defects or errors in reasoning: There are many popular fallacies about medicine.
2. A statement or an argument that is not in accordance with facts, realities, or actualities: The fallacies presented by the two politicians were exposed by reporters on TV, the radio, and in newspapers.
3. Incorrectness of reasoning or belief; erroneousness: Josh's fallacy was that his company would have a big profit, however it actually resulted in a big financial loss.
2. A statement or an argument that is not in accordance with facts, realities, or actualities: The fallacies presented by the two politicians were exposed by reporters on TV, the radio, and in newspapers.
3. Incorrectness of reasoning or belief; erroneousness: Josh's fallacy was that his company would have a big profit, however it actually resulted in a big financial loss.
1. Capable of making errors or of being wrong: Shawn finally acknowledged the fallibilities of his scientific theories.
2. Tending or likely to be erroneous or not correct: Although we humans all have our fallibilities, we can still strive to improve our world.
2. Tending or likely to be erroneous or not correct: Although we humans all have our fallibilities, we can still strive to improve our world.
Edgar acknowledged his investment fallibility when he made large financial commitments in houses.
fallible (adjective), more fallible, most fallible
1. A reference to the tendency to make significant mistakes: We keep seeing the fallible decisions that are made by some politicians which prove to be completely wrong later on.
2. Liable to be wrong, to be deceiving, or to be misleading: Certain talk-show hosts make more fallible accusations about their opponents than reliable comments.

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2. Liable to be wrong, to be deceiving, or to be misleading: Certain talk-show hosts make more fallible accusations about their opponents than reliable comments.

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false (adjective), more false, most false
1. Contrary to facts or the truth: Melinda was trying to enter the country with false documents.
2. Descriptive of that which is deliberately untrue: The judge found out that Grace, the witness, was giving a false testimony during the trial.
3. Conveying mistaken ideas: Jack had false hopes of writing a successful novel.
4. Intentionally deceptive: Audi had a trunk with a false bottom in it for hiding her valuables.
5. A reference to being treacherous or untrustworthy: Rene turned out to be a false friend.
6. Pertaining to that which is not the real thing: Monroe was having difficulties when eating because of his false teeth.
7. Referring to lying or being dishonest: The police warned the criminal not to make any false statements.
2. Descriptive of that which is deliberately untrue: The judge found out that Grace, the witness, was giving a false testimony during the trial.
3. Conveying mistaken ideas: Jack had false hopes of writing a successful novel.
4. Intentionally deceptive: Audi had a trunk with a false bottom in it for hiding her valuables.
5. A reference to being treacherous or untrustworthy: Rene turned out to be a false friend.
6. Pertaining to that which is not the real thing: Monroe was having difficulties when eating because of his false teeth.
7. Referring to lying or being dishonest: The police warned the criminal not to make any false statements.
1. A loud, repetitive noise that is used to mislead people into thinking that there is a crisis, or a life-threatening situation, when there really is none: The false alarm at the school resulted in firefighters going there for nothing.
2. Something that causes people to wrongly believe that a bad or dangerous thing is going to happen: The report in the news which indicated that the company was going out of business was just another one of those false alarms.
2. Something that causes people to wrongly believe that a bad or dangerous thing is going to happen: The report in the news which indicated that the company was going out of business was just another one of those false alarms.
An unjustified holding of someone in custody by the police which is not legally justified: Sharon was suing the police for her false arrest because she didn't do anything wrong.
1. An intentionally untrue statement; a lie: The politician was accused of spreading malicious falsehoods about his opponent.
2. A lack of conformity to truth or fact; inaccuracy: Mark's little son told a falsehood in hopes of that he would not be punished for accidentally breaking a window.
3. Something that does not agree with known or observable facts: The author of the book was accused of deliberately writing falsehoods about an airline pilot not being properly trained.
2. A lack of conformity to truth or fact; inaccuracy: Mark's little son told a falsehood in hopes of that he would not be punished for accidentally breaking a window.
3. Something that does not agree with known or observable facts: The author of the book was accused of deliberately writing falsehoods about an airline pilot not being properly trained.
falsely (adverb), more falsely, most falsely
1. In a manner contrary to truth and fact: The judge recognized that the witness was falsely testifying.
2. Treacherously; perfidiously or being deliberately faithless, treacherous, or deceitful: Henry falsely claimed to be a loyal follower of the political party; however, he betrayed the organization in many ways.
2. Treacherously; perfidiously or being deliberately faithless, treacherous, or deceitful: Henry falsely claimed to be a loyal follower of the political party; however, he betrayed the organization in many ways.
A method used by male singers to sing at a very high pitch in an artificially or unusually high voice by using more air and a combination of vocal cord vibrations: The concert featured a singer well-known for his performances of high falsettos.

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Falsettos are used by countertenors or male singers who sing classical songs.

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falsificate (fawl SIF i kayt") (verb), falsificates; falsificated; falsificating
1. To make statements that are not true; to lie: Mike's daughter falsificated when she told him that she had spent the afternoon studying for the final exam that would take place in high school tomorrow.
People are complaining that the political candidate is falsificating more often than telling the truth about what he will do if he is elected.
2. Etymology: from Latin falsificare, "to act dishonestly".
1. A willful perversion of facts or a deliberate misstatement or misrepresentation: Sam Black was arrested because there had been a falsification of some of his legal documents.
2. The intentional alteration of a record, an account, or any document, so as to render it untrue: The clerk, Mrs. Thomas, thought she could get away with the falsification of the financial records.
2. The intentional alteration of a record, an account, or any document, so as to render it untrue: The clerk, Mrs. Thomas, thought she could get away with the falsification of the financial records.
Falsifications occur more often in insurance and real estate contracts and false advertising is also considered to be misrepresentations or falsifications.
Sometimes a contract that contains or constitutes misrepresentations may be considered to be a deliberate falsification.
falsified (adjective), more falsified, most falsified
1. That which was proven to be untrue or to be untrustworthy: The falsified loyalty of Rick turned out to be a serious shock to Monica, his wife.
2. A reference to having been forged or having given a deliberately deceptive appearance to something: The financial report turned out to be a falsified document.
2. A reference to having been forged or having given a deliberately deceptive appearance to something: The financial report turned out to be a falsified document.
1. Someone who makes changes in a report in order to make it incorrect or untrue: The police were sure they had the right person who was the falsifier of the financial statements.
2. People who make erroneous statements or who misrepresent themselves: The economic advisor was a falsifier who deliberately fooled investors who trusted him.
3. Anyone who counterfeits or who gives something a deceptive appearance: The counterfeit artist was actually a falsifier who created paintings of famous artists himself and claimed that they were the actual works of other painters.
2. People who make erroneous statements or who misrepresent themselves: The economic advisor was a falsifier who deliberately fooled investors who trusted him.
3. Anyone who counterfeits or who gives something a deceptive appearance: The counterfeit artist was actually a falsifier who created paintings of famous artists himself and claimed that they were the actual works of other painters.
falsify (verb), falsifies; falsified; falsifying
1. To alter something in order to deceive or to make people believe that it is not true: Jane, who had been falsifying the financial accounts, was finally caught.
2. To misrepresent the facts in order to mislead: Mr. Blacksmith, the head of the company, falsified the amount of profits to the stockholders.
2. To misrepresent the facts in order to mislead: Mr. Blacksmith, the head of the company, falsified the amount of profits to the stockholders.
1. The fact that an issue or situation is not true or real; a lie: The CEO of the company would not comment about the accusations that there were falsities in the annual report.
2. The quality or condition of being incorrect; untruthfulness; treachery: Smith was accused of spreading all kinds of falsities on his website.
2. The quality or condition of being incorrect; untruthfulness; treachery: Smith was accused of spreading all kinds of falsities on his website.