(Greek: good, well, normal; happy, pleasing; used as a prefix)
A reference to the preservation of or keeping the the natural form of a cell.
The preservation of or protecting the natural form of a cell.
1. A normal, or good, condition of the sense of smell.
2. A pleasant odor.
2. A pleasant odor.
A normal and proper manner of eating.
euphemise (verb), euphemises; euphemised; euphemising
A British spelling version of euphemize.
1. A mild or pleasant word, or phrase, which is used in place of one that might be considered too direct, too harsh, too unpleasant, or too offensive: One example of a euphemism is to use "eliminate" instead of "kill".
2. The use of a word, or phrase, that is more neutral, vague, or indirect to replace a direct, harsh, unpleasant, or an insulting term: Instead of Gordon saying that his wife was just too fat, he used a euphemism mentioning that she just had a lot of “love handles”!

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2. The use of a word, or phrase, that is more neutral, vague, or indirect to replace a direct, harsh, unpleasant, or an insulting term: Instead of Gordon saying that his wife was just too fat, he used a euphemism mentioning that she just had a lot of “love handles”!

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euphemistic (adjective), more euphemistic, most euphemistic
A reference to the use of an acceptable word or phrase to avoid saying another word or phrase that may be unpleasant or disrespectful.
A particular plant or flower that attracts certain pollinators: Euphiles can be exemplified by red flowers which hummingbirds absolutely love.
euphilous (adjective), more euphilous, most euphilous
In biology, a reference to a plant or flower that has structural adjustments for attracting and showing the way for a specialized pollinator: Some plants have euphilous features that allure certain insects or birds to firtilize their flowers.
The descriptive word for a pleasant sound
1. Pleasing or sweet sound, the acoustic effect produced by words so formed and combined as to please the ear; especially, a harmonious succession of words having a pleasing sound or striking the ear as being appropriate to the meaning; opposed to cacophony.
2. Tendency to greater ease of pronunciation resulting in regularly observed combinative changes that seem to be caused by increased speed of utterance and economy of effort; as an adjective, euphonic.
3. The quality of having a pleasant sound; the pleasing effect of sounds free from harshness; chiefly with reference to combinations of words in sentences, or of phonetic elements in spoken words.
4. In recent philological use often the tendency to greater ease of pronunciation, as shown in those combinatory phonetic changes formerly ascribed to an endeavour after a pleasing acoustic effect.
2. Tendency to greater ease of pronunciation resulting in regularly observed combinative changes that seem to be caused by increased speed of utterance and economy of effort; as an adjective, euphonic.
3. The quality of having a pleasant sound; the pleasing effect of sounds free from harshness; chiefly with reference to combinations of words in sentences, or of phonetic elements in spoken words.
4. In recent philological use often the tendency to greater ease of pronunciation, as shown in those combinatory phonetic changes formerly ascribed to an endeavour after a pleasing acoustic effect.