
(Greek: good, well, normal; happy, pleasing; used as a prefix)

aneuploid (adjective), more aneuploid, most aneuploid
A reference to, or descriptive of, the condition of having an abnormal number of chromosomes for the species indicated.
aneuploidy (s) (noun), aneuploidies (pl)
1. The condition of having an abnormal number of chromosomes for the species indicated.
2. Etymology: from Greek an-, "not" + eu-, "well" + ploos, "fold" + eidos, "form, shape".
eubiotics (pl) (noun), (a plural form that is used as a singular or a plural)
The study of living in a healthy condition.
Eucalyptus (s) (noun), Eucalyptuses or Eucalypti (pl)
1. Any of numerous tall trees of the genus Eucalyptus, native to Australia and having aromatic leaves that yield an oil used medicinally and wood valued as timber.
2. Etymology: from Modern Latin, coined in 1788 by French botanist Charles Louis L'héritier de Brutelle (1746-1800) from Greek eu-, "well" + kalyptos, "covered", with reference to the coverings on the buds.
eucentric (adjective), more eucentric, most eucentric
1. Someone whose behavior is consistently good in quality or performance: Jim's uncle is a very eucentric and reliable person when his help is needed.
2.A technical item that is placed centrally or is having its axis or other part placed in the middle point of a sphere.
Eucharist (s) (noun), Eucharists (pl)
euchromatopsy (s) (noun), euchromatopsies (pl)
1. A supposed benevolent supernatural being.
2. A good, or benevolent, demon or spirit.
eudemonia, eudaimonia, eudaemonia
1. Aristotelianism or happiness as the result of an active life governed by reason.
2. A state of pleasant well-being.
3. The greatest good for an individual human being or a state of excellence characterized by objective flourishing across a lifetime, and brought about through the exercise of moral virtue, practical wisdom, and rationality.
1. An ethical system that evaluates actions by reference to personal well-being through a life based on reason.
2. An ethical doctrine that characterizes the value of life in terms of happiness.
1. A reference to a classical Greek word commonly translated as "happiness">
2. Etymologically, it consists of the word eu, "good" or "well being" plus daimōn, "spirit" or "minor deity".

It is used by extension to mean one's lot or fortune. Although popular usage of the term happiness refers to a state of mind, related to joy or pleasure, eudaimonia rarely has such connotations, and the less subjective "human flourishing" is often preferred as a translation.

1. A normal thirst.
2. Ordinary or mild thirst.

Related good-word units: agatho-, bene-, bon-.

Word groups which are antonyms of this unit: caco-, dys-, mal-, mis-.