eso-, es-, eis-

(Greek: inward, into; within)

1. Excision of the esophagus and stomach, usually the distal portion of the esophagus and the proximal (nearer) stomach.
2. The removal of a portion of the lower esophagus and proximal stomach for treatment of neoplasms or strictures of those organs; especially, lesions at or near the cardioesophageal (the cardia or stomach immediately adjacent to and surrounding the cardiac or primary opening of the esophagus of the stomach and the esophagus) junction.
3. Excision of part of the esophagus (especially the lower third) and adjacent stomach tissue.
esophagogastric (adjective) (not comparable)
In anatomy, a reference to the stomach and the esophagus; gastroesophageal: When Nancy went to her doctor, she complained of having heartburn, and her doctor diagnosed her as having a case of esophagogastric reflux causing the discomfort of regurgitation, especially following meals.
esophagogastroduodenoscope (s) (noun), esophagogastroduodenoscopes (pl)
An instrument which is used to get an image of the upper gastrointestinal tract; namely, the esophagus, the stomach and the duodenum: The esophagogastroduodenoscope is inserted through the mouth and its operation requires the presence of a highly trained physician and often requires sedation.

The objective of using an esophagogastroduodenoscope is to identify ulcers, gastritis, esophagitis, varices, duodenitis, Barrett's esophagus, hiatal hernias, and tumors.

A esophagogastroduodenoscope procedure is performed on patients with a variety of symptoms; that include: nausea, vomiting, abdominal bloating, abdominal pain, heartburn, reflux, family history of cancer, jaundice, weight loss, anemia, and gastrointestinal bleeding.

Endoscopy of the upper alimentary tract.

For endoscopy, a flexible opitical instrument (the endoscope) is inserted through the mouth and advanced into the esophagus, the stomach, and the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine).

Pathologicl changes (diseases, if any) are also evaluated by inflating air into the digestive tract.

An examination of the lining of the esophagus, stomach, and upper duodenum with a small camera (flexible endoscope) which is inserted down the throat.
esophagogastroplasty (s) (noun), esophagogastroplasties (pl)
Plastic repair of the esophagus and stomach; cardioplasty: Dr. Robinson told Mrs. Hathaway that her ailment could be alleviated by esophagogastroplasty, an operation involving a plastic restoration of her stomach and esophagus.
esophagogastroscopy (s) (noun), esophagogastroscopies (pl)
Endoscopic health check of the esophagus and the stomach: In order to find out what the cause of Mrs. Black's ailment was, an esophagogastroscopy had to be performed and Mrs. Black had to stay in hospital for the examination.
esophagogastrostomy, esophagogastroanastomosis, gastroesophagostomy (s) (noun); esophagogastrostomies; esophagogastroanastomosises; gastroesophagostomies (pl)
Anastomosis of the esophagus to the stomach: An esophagogastrostomy is an operation that constructs a channel between the esophagus and the stomach, and which offen follows an esophagogastrectomy.
esophagogram (s) (noun), esophagograms (pl)
A diagnostic or indicative image created by esophagography: Am esophagogram is a roentgenogram of the esophagus acquired during an esophagraphy.

An esophagogram can also be explained as being a radiographic record of contrast by esophagography or by a barium swallow, which is an oral administration of barium sulfate suspension for radiographic investigation of the esophagus.

esophagography (s) (noun), esophagographies (pl)
1. Radiography of the esophagus using swallowed or injected radiopaque contrast media: An esophagography is a roentgenography of the esophagus while or immediately after a patient swallows a positive contrast medium such as barium sulfate suspended in water.
2. The technique of obtaining an esophagogram: In her class at medical school, Peggy learned that esophagography used the method of diagnostic imaging of the esophagus.
esophagojejunogastrostomosis, esophagojejunogastrostomy, gastrojejunoesophagostomy
The surgical interposition of a segment of jejunum (part of the small intestine) between the esophagus and the stomach to preserve alimentary continuity.
The surgical repair of a defect in the esophagus by using a segment of jejunum (part of small intestine).
The surgical creation of a communication between the esophagus and the jejunum.
An inaccurate term for esophagopharyngolaryngectomy.
Study of the structure, physiology, and diseases of the esophagus.