epistemo-, epistem-
(Greek: knowledge, know; understand; believe)
epistemic (adjective), more epistemic, most epistemic
1. Relating to, or involving knowledge: Mark was not watching TV tonight because he had to focus on epistemic learning for his final exams at the university tomorrow.
A reference to acquiring more epistemic data about whatever someone is striving to know about.
2. Etymology: fom Greek episteme, "knowledge"; from apistasthai, "to know"; literally, "to stand over"; from histasthai, "to stand".
The use of logic, philosophy, psychology, and linguistics to study knowledge and how it is processed or determined by people.
Someone who worships intellectual cognitions as the ultimate objectives in life.
A great reverence or worship for intellectual accomplishments: There are some people whose epistemolatry involves achievements in learning proficiencies as the ultimate achievements that anyone can acquire.
epistemological (adjective), more epistemological, most epistemological
Relating or referring to the theory of knowledge; especially, with regard to its methods, validity, and scopes: Nearly every great scholar has contributed to some form of epistemological literature throughout the centuries.
epistemologically (adverb), more epistemologically, most epistemologically
A descriptive term for a theory of knowledge; especially, the critical study of its validity, methods, and various scopes: Epistemologically speaking, Joe's professor was discussing the need to challenge the theories of the past by making pragmatic investigations to see if they are still applicable to our present times.
Someone who studies historically important issues regarding information and theories:
A branch of philosophy that investigates the nature of knowledge, its presuppositions and, in particular, its foundations, scope, and its extent and validity.
Epistemology is the determination of what distinguishes justified beliefs from mere opinions.
epistemonic (adjective), more epistemonic, most epistemonic
A reference to being capable of acquiring wisdom and being intellectual: Manfred's friend was considered to be the most epistemonic computer programmer in the electronics organization.
A love for or an excessive fondness for knowledge and understanding: Nadine grew up in a family who were epistemophilias as they strived to learn more about how to improve the lives of the thousands of refugees who were fleeing for their lives into other countries.
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