encephalo-, encephal-

(Greek: brain; that which is inside the head)

I use not only all the brains I have, but all I can borrow.
—Woodrow Wilson
polioencephalopathy (s) (noun), polioencephalopathies (pl)
Any disease noticeably affecting the gray matter of the brain: It is said that Alzheimer's disease is a form of polioencephalopathy and is connected to the gray matter of a person's brain.
Showing a special affinity for the neurons and gray matter of the central nervous system.
Acute inflammation predominantly involving the motor nuclei of the midbrain.
Porencephaly that results from encephalitis.
The presence of one or more cavities within one cerebral hemisphere, usually communicating with the lateral ventricle. This may be a congenital malformation (primary porencephaly), or consequence of loclized crebral atrophy or scarring due to birth injury, infection, or trauma (secondary porencephaly).
prosencephalon, prosencephalic
The forebrain or anterior brain vesicle of the embryo that subdivides into telencephalon and diencephalon.

From it are derived the cerebral hemispheres, olfactory lobes, corpus striatum, and various parts of the thalamus; as well, as the third and the lateral ventricles.

A new-born infant with an extreme degree of cranioschisis that has permitted intrauterine abrasion and erosion of most recognizable brain tissue, leaving mainly a mass of blood vessels and meninges. The cerebral lesion often is continuous with rachischisis of the cervical spine.
The technique of measuring blood flow of the brain; commonly used to denote impedance rheoencephalography which uses changes in electrical impedance and resistance as a measure of flow.
That portion of the cerebrum concerned with reception and integration of olfactory (smelling) impulses; the anterior inferior part of the forebrain that is chiefly concerned with olfaction.
schizencephaly, schizencephalic
A developmental disorder of the brain characterized by abnormal slits, or clefts, in the cerebral hemispheres. Schizencephaly is a form of porencephaly.

Individuals with clefts in both hemispheres, or bilateral clefts, are often developmentally delayed and have delayed speech and language skills and corticospinal dysfunction. Individuals with smaller, unilateral clefts (clefts in one hemisphere) may be weak on one side of the body and may have average or near-average intelligence.

Patients with schizencephaly may also have varying degrees of microcephaly, mental retardation, hemiparesis (weakness or paralysis affecting one side of the body), or quadriparesis (weakness or paralysis affecting all four extremities), and may have reduced muscle tone (hypotonia). Most patients have seizures and some may have hydrocephalus.

Sclerosis or a hardening within the nervous system of the brain.
A pictorial representation of intracranial structures that are obtained by echoencephalography.
The employment of pulse-echo techniques that are used to study intracranial structures and disease.
An encephalocele or a hernia of the brain with adhesions.
Fetal or newborn equally conjoined twins with synencephaly.