-ence, -ency
(Latin: a suffix that forms nouns; action, process, state, quality, or condition of)
1. Someone or something that is strongly or intensely disapproved of: Gertrude had a strong abhorrence of mice running around in her basement during the winter, so she set a lot of traps to catch them.
2. That which is disgusting, loathsome, or repellent: The first mate on the ship had an abhorrence for the smell of the water in the bilge.
2. That which is disgusting, loathsome, or repellent: The first mate on the ship had an abhorrence for the smell of the water in the bilge.
Mary has an abhorrence of monster movies.
3. A feeling of repugnance, revulsion, or loathing about someone or something: Tom's multiple abhorrences for reptiles and spiders will make it difficult for him to do much research when he goes to Africa next month.Such violence during the TV movie is an abhorrence to Jeremy.
Some movies, even on TV, show too many abhorrences of beatings and killings of people!
1. A situation in which someone, or something, is not available: The teacher noted Sarah's absence from class for the third time this week.
2. The time during which someone is away: Manual has had an excessive number of absences from school this month.
3. That which is lacking or desired: Curtis was accused of having an absence of leadership as well as an absence of initiative.
4. A condition in which someone is inattentive or not paying attention: Catherine and Frances noticed that the periods of absences of their friend's mind seemed to be increasing.
5. Etymology: from Old Frence absence (14th century), from Latin absentia, absentem (nom. absens), present participle of abesse. "to be away from, to be absent"; from ab-, "away" + esse, "to be".
2. The time during which someone is away: Manual has had an excessive number of absences from school this month.
3. That which is lacking or desired: Curtis was accused of having an absence of leadership as well as an absence of initiative.
4. A condition in which someone is inattentive or not paying attention: Catherine and Frances noticed that the periods of absences of their friend's mind seemed to be increasing.
5. Etymology: from Old Frence absence (14th century), from Latin absentia, absentem (nom. absens), present participle of abesse. "to be away from, to be absent"; from ab-, "away" + esse, "to be".
1.The action or process of voluntarily refraining from some behavior or practice; self-control: While trying to lose weight, Steve's sister applied abstinence from excessive red meat and junk food, instead she ate a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains all of which made her feel better and even look better.
2. The self-denial of something that is wanted or enjoyable: Jeremy started to drink again after a long period of total abstinence from alcohol consumption.
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2. The self-denial of something that is wanted or enjoyable: Jeremy started to drink again after a long period of total abstinence from alcohol consumption.
Abstinence may refer to a rejection of certain foods and drinks thought to be harmful to a person's health, however it can also refer to refraining from a behavior that is considered immoral.

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1. A steady attachment, as of a person to a rule; fidelity, fealty, allegiance, devotion; obedience, loyalty: The football coach demanded adherence to the rules of the game.
2. Adhesion, adhesiveness, stickiness: Put more glue on the wallpaper to increase its adherence.
2. Adhesion, adhesiveness, stickiness: Put more glue on the wallpaper to increase its adherence.
The period of growth from childhood to adulthood: The time of adolescence is an important introduction to adulthood.
The stage between puberty and adultery.
1. A plentiful supply of material goods: Many foreigners have been amazed by the affluence and luxury of Americans.
2. An abundance of riches, wealth, or opulence: By choosing the right business, the family progressed from poverty to affluence within a few years.
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3. An abundant supply, as of thoughts or words; profusion: William had an affluence of ideas for the new project.
4. A flowing to or toward a point: The patient had an abnormal affluence of blood to the head.
5. Etymology: affluent and affluence are derived from Latin affluere, "to flow freely and in abundance".
2. An abundance of riches, wealth, or opulence: By choosing the right business, the family progressed from poverty to affluence within a few years.

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3. An abundant supply, as of thoughts or words; profusion: William had an affluence of ideas for the new project.4. A flowing to or toward a point: The patient had an abnormal affluence of blood to the head.
5. Etymology: affluent and affluence are derived from Latin affluere, "to flow freely and in abundance".
By the way, have you ever heard of anyone who suffered from affluenza?
Affluence is the wealth more often attained by a will of your own than by the will of a relative.
Some people get their affluence through influence.
1. The act of going before.
2. The act of preceding in time or order.
3. A reference to occurring before or in front of something else; in time, place, rank, or sequence.
2. The act of preceding in time or order.
3. A reference to occurring before or in front of something else; in time, place, rank, or sequence.
1. A group of spectators at a public event; listeners or viewers collectively, as in attendance at a theater or concert: Just as the last couple joined the audience, the lights were turned off and the performance began.
2. The readership for printed matter, as for a book: The Harry Potter books have certainly had a huge and faithful audience!
3. A body of adherents; a following: James enlarged his audience by playing music from several popular movies.
4. A formal hearing, as with a religious or state dignitary; meeting; conference; consultation: The church dignitaries arranged to have an audience in order to express their knowledge of the issues at hand.
5. An opportunity to be heard or to express one's views: When the speaker stood in the local park, he realized that he lost his audience when he stated his opinions regarding those who liked to drink coffee in the morning!
6. The act of hearing or attending to words or sounds: In the play, Sally said, "Please give me your attention and audience and listen to what I have to say."
7. An opportunity to be heard; chance to speak to or before a person or a group; a hearing or listening to; Sam hoped to have an audience at the staff conference where he could give data on the number of accidents which occurred on the playground during the last month.
8. A formal interview with a sovereign, high officer of government, or other high-ranking person: Valerie enjoyed having an audience with the Pope.
2. The readership for printed matter, as for a book: The Harry Potter books have certainly had a huge and faithful audience!
3. A body of adherents; a following: James enlarged his audience by playing music from several popular movies.
4. A formal hearing, as with a religious or state dignitary; meeting; conference; consultation: The church dignitaries arranged to have an audience in order to express their knowledge of the issues at hand.
5. An opportunity to be heard or to express one's views: When the speaker stood in the local park, he realized that he lost his audience when he stated his opinions regarding those who liked to drink coffee in the morning!
6. The act of hearing or attending to words or sounds: In the play, Sally said, "Please give me your attention and audience and listen to what I have to say."
7. An opportunity to be heard; chance to speak to or before a person or a group; a hearing or listening to; Sam hoped to have an audience at the staff conference where he could give data on the number of accidents which occurred on the playground during the last month.
8. A formal interview with a sovereign, high officer of government, or other high-ranking person: Valerie enjoyed having an audience with the Pope.
1. The quality of being hostile, ready to start a fight, or ready to go to war.
2. A hostile or warlike attitude, nature, or inclination; belligerency.
2. A hostile or warlike attitude, nature, or inclination; belligerency.
1. Disposition to do good, a desire to promote the happiness of others; kindness, generosity, charitable feeling as a general disposition towards mankind at large: The benevolence of the musicians' union was seen in the generous number of free musical instruments the members gave to the community's music school.
2. An expression of goodwill, an act of kindness; a gift or grant of money; a contribution for the support of the poor: The widow gave a generous benevolence to the community library in memory of her late husband who had been an author and had also donated many books to that library.
2. An expression of goodwill, an act of kindness; a gift or grant of money; a contribution for the support of the poor: The widow gave a generous benevolence to the community library in memory of her late husband who had been an author and had also donated many books to that library.
breviloquence (s) (noun)
1. Speaking briefly or concisely; laconic.
2. Brevity, or shortness, of speech.
2. Brevity, or shortness, of speech.
1. The perimeter or line describing a circle: Mrs. Lori taught her students how to calculate the circumferences of round objects.
2. The distance around the widest part of a boundary area or the periphery enclosing a circular space: Susan and Sally, who were hikers, walked the circumference of the lake and found that it took them two hours to complete their journey.
2. The distance around the widest part of a boundary area or the periphery enclosing a circular space: Susan and Sally, who were hikers, walked the circumference of the lake and found that it took them two hours to complete their journey.
When Tim and his family were in Southern California during their vacation, they sailed around the entire circumference
1. A flowing around on all sides; encompassing.
2. Enclosing with a fluid.
3. An enclosure of waters.
2. Enclosing with a fluid.
3. An enclosure of waters.
1. The union of diverse things into one body or form or group; the growing together of parts: The coalescence of all the members of the family at Christmas was fantastic because they hadn’t seen each other in such a long time.
2. The act or state of growing together, as with similar parts; the act of uniting by natural affinity or attraction; the state of being united; union; concretion: After their coalescence of getting married, Jack and Jill soon had children making their coalescence even more significant!
2. The act or state of growing together, as with similar parts; the act of uniting by natural affinity or attraction; the state of being united; union; concretion: After their coalescence of getting married, Jack and Jill soon had children making their coalescence even more significant!
1. Conscious knowledge or awareness: The cognizance of the importance of the issue at hand was realized by the board of directors.
2. The range of what one can know or understand: Harriet's cognizance and perception of the nature of the species of the bird was quite amazing!
3. Observance; notice: The administrator will take cognizance of Jill's objections at the proper time.
4. In law, acknowledgment, recognition, or jurisdiction; the assumption of jurisdiction in a case: The court, being within cognizance, was able to act upon the case of murder without needing any further proof.
5. In heraldry, a crest or badge worn to distinguish the bearer: The knight was honored with a cognizance because of his bravery in battle.
6. Etymology: from Anglo-French conysance, "recognition"; later, "knowledge" from Old French conoissance, "acquaintance, recognition; knowledge, wisdom" (Modern French connaissance), from conoistre, "to know"; from Latin cognoscere, "to get to know, to recognize"; from com-, "together" + gnoscere, "to know".

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2. The range of what one can know or understand: Harriet's cognizance and perception of the nature of the species of the bird was quite amazing!
3. Observance; notice: The administrator will take cognizance of Jill's objections at the proper time.
4. In law, acknowledgment, recognition, or jurisdiction; the assumption of jurisdiction in a case: The court, being within cognizance, was able to act upon the case of murder without needing any further proof.
5. In heraldry, a crest or badge worn to distinguish the bearer: The knight was honored with a cognizance because of his bravery in battle.
6. Etymology: from Anglo-French conysance, "recognition"; later, "knowledge" from Old French conoissance, "acquaintance, recognition; knowledge, wisdom" (Modern French connaissance), from conoistre, "to know"; from Latin cognoscere, "to get to know, to recognize"; from com-, "together" + gnoscere, "to know".

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