alcoholo-, alcohol-, alcoho-

(Arabic > Latin: alcohol, originally an "essence or very fine powder")

A finely pulverized antimony ore or metallic powder used for painting the eyelids that is related to Hebrew kahal.

The term comes from Arabic al-kuhl which is from al-, "the" and kohl or kuhl, "antimony sulfide".

alcholimetric, alcoholometric (adjective), more alcholimetric, most alcholimetric; more alcoholometric, most alcoholometric
A reference to the quantity of alcohol contained in a liquid: A device called an alcoholometer is used for assessing the amount of alcholimetric content in beers, wines, and spirits. ,
alcholizer (s) (noun), alcholizers (pl)
An alcohol breath-test screening instrument: An alcholizer is a breathalyzer with an analyzer cell used in police units worldwide to check drivers suspected of excessive drinking while driving.
alcholometrical (adjective), more alcholometrical, most alcholometrical
A reference to the quantity of alcohol in a liquid: alcoholometric: Jack was surprised at the alcholometrical content in his wine after it had been measured with an alcoholometer.
alcogel (s) (noun), alcogels (pl)
A gelatinous precipitate from a colloidal solution in alcohol: Leah used an alcogel as a sanitizer for her hands after getting off the bus.
alcohol (noun) (no pl)
In lexicomedy, a liquid that is good for preserving almost everything: Alcohol is a fluid that is good for keeping things safe, but alcohol is not good for keeping secrets or for self-control.
alcohol (s) (noun), alcohols (pl)
1. A colorless, volatile, pungent liquid; synthesized or derived from fermentation of sugars and starches: Alcohol can be burned as fuel, is used in industry and medicine, and is the intoxicating element of whiskey, wine, beer, and other fermented or distilled liquors. It is also called "ethyl alcohol".
2. Any of a series of hydroxyl compounds: The simplest kind of alchol is derived from saturated hydrocarbons, and includes ethanol and methanol.
alcohol fetopathy (s) (noun), alcohol fetopathies (pl)
A pattern of permanent and often devastating birth-defect syndromes caused by maternal consumption of alcohol during pregnancy; fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: The main effect of alcohol fetalpathy is brain damage which can be caused during any trimester, because the fetus's brain continues to develop throughout the entire pregnancy.

The brain damage that is a result of alcohol fetopathy is often accompanied by, and reflected in, distinctive facial stigmata or characteristics which are indicative of a disease or abnormalities.

alcohol fuel (s) (noun), alcohol fuels (pl)
A motor fuel of gasoline blended with 5-25% of amhydrous ethyl alcohol; gasohol: Alcohol fuel is used particularly in European countries.
alcohol withdrawal delirium (s) (noun), alcohol withdrawal deliriums; alcohol withdrawal deliria (pl)
An acute organic mental disorder resulting from a recent cessation or reduction in alcohol consumption with the essential characteristic being delirium: Alcohol withdrawal delirium is an autonomic hyperactivity that is characterized by tachycardia (fast heart beat), sweating, and elevated blood pressure. It was formerly called "delirium tremens".

Another characteristic of alcohol withdrawal delirium includes the DTs, "the horrors", "the shakes", or" "rum fits", literally, "shaking delirium" or "trembling madness" (in Latin).

Alcohol withdrawal delirium is an acute episode of delirium which is usually caused by abstinence, from alcohol following habitual excessive drinking.

alcohol withdrawal delirium tremens (s) (noun) (no pl)
A severe form of alcohol withdrawal that involves sudden and severe mental or neurological changes: Alcohol withdrawal delirium tremens can occur after a period of heavy alcohol drinking, especially when the person does not eat enough food.

Alcohol withdrawal delirium may also be triggered by head injury, infection, or illness in people with a history of heavy use of alcohol."

Alcohol withdrawal delirium tremens is most common in people who have a history of alcohol withdrawal, especially in those who drink the equivalent of seven to eight pints of beer (or one pint of "hard" liquor) every day for several months. Alcohol withdrawal delirium tremens also commonly affects those with a history of habitual alcohol use or alcoholism that has existed for more than ten years.

Alcohol withdrawal delirium tremens symptoms occur because of the toxic effects of alcohol on the brain and nervous system. It may be severe and get worse very quickly which is a life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical attention.

The treatment of alcohol withdrawal delirium tremens includes observation, comfort care, and in some cases medication.

alcoholate (s) (noun), alcoholates (pl)
A tincture or other preparation containing alcohol: A compound that is formed by the reaction of an alcohol in which a hydrogen atom of alcohol is replaced by an alkali metal, such as potassium alcoholate, or ethylate, with an alkali metal."
alcoholature (s) (noun), alcoholatures (pl)
An alcoholic tincture (slight taste) prepared with fresh plants: Susan prepared an alcoholature just after she collected the freshly cut herbs and some other choice plants.
alcoholemia (s) (noun), alcoholemias (pl)
The presence of ethanol in the blood: Alcoholemia is also said to be the blood-level of alcohol.
alcohol-ether (s) (noun), alcohol-ethers (pl)
A chemical compound used in shampoos, bubble baths, and liquid soaps: Sharon bought some body wash containing alcohol-ether to use when she took a shower.
alcoholic (s) (noun), alcoholics (pl)
1. People who suffer from a medical condition in which they frequently drink too much alcohol and become unable to live a normal and healthy life."
2. Anyone who abuses or is dependent upon alcohol.

Related "alcohol" information: Alcohol, Its Origins and Alcohol and Brain Alterations.