albo-, alb-, -albify; albus

(Latin: white; pale)

This unit is directly related to the albumino- unit.

Covered with a white, powdery bloom, as certain grapes and plums.
1. Dark coppery red or reddish brown.
2. Etymology: from Old French auborne, from Middle Latin alburnus, "off-white, whitish"; from Latin albus, "white".

It came into English meaning "yellowish-white, flaxen", but shifted in the 16th century to "reddish-brown" under the influence of Middle English brun, "brown", which also changed the spelling.

Another source states that it comes from Old French; influenced in the sense by the similarity of the variant spelling abrun to brun, "brown"; from Medieval Latin alburnus "whitish" and Latin albus, "white".

1. To put or spread a semiliquid substance such as mud, paint, or cream, on a surface in a crude, hurried, or irregular way: "The boys daubed slogans all over the walls."
2. To paint or to apply paint crudely.
3. A patch, splash, or smear of a semiliquid substance applied to something in a crude, hurried, or irregular way.
4. A mixture of clay, lime, and chopped straw plastered onto interwoven rods or twigs to make a wall.
5. Etymology: from Old French dauber, "to whitewash, to plaster", probably from Latin dealbare, from de-, "thoroughly" + albare, "to whiten" from albus "white".
1. Having no albumen around the embryo; said of certain seeds.
2. Without albumen (starchy and other nutritive material in a seed, stored as endosperm inside the embryo sac, or as perisperm in the surrounding nucellar cells; any deposit of nutritive material accompanying the embryo).

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "white": albumino-; leuco-.