(Greek > Late Latin: to do, to accomplish)
A dramatized film (usually for television) which is based on a semi-fictional interpretation of real events; a documentary drama: "The series of docudramas made it possible for people to have a better understanding of how the vandals behaved during their conquests."
1. Original meaning is "deed, act, action represented on the stage" from Greek, dran, "to do, to accomplish".
2. A play in prose or verse, especially one recounting a serious story.
3. Dramatic art of a particular kind or period; such as, a Shakespearean drama.
4. A real-life situation or succession of events having the dramatic progression or emotional content typical of a play.
2. A play in prose or verse, especially one recounting a serious story.
3. Dramatic art of a particular kind or period; such as, a Shakespearean drama.
4. A real-life situation or succession of events having the dramatic progression or emotional content typical of a play.
1. Of or relating to drama or the theater.
2. Striking (immediately or vividly impressive), as in appearance or effect.
2. Striking (immediately or vividly impressive), as in appearance or effect.
dramatis personae (Latin phrase)
Translation: "A list of the characters in a play, a novel, or a story."
A writer of plays; a playwright.
The action of dramatizing; conversion into drama; a dramatized version.
dramatize (verb), dramatizes; dramatized; dramatizing
1. To produce a book, an event, an activity, etc. into a play, a movie, a television show, etc.: The book that Sam was reading has been dramatized or turned into special dramas on TV.
2. To make a situation seem to be more important or serious than it really is: Adam said that he knew that he might be dramatizing what had happened with his car at the parking lot when he was shopping, but the dent he was dramatizing about was very small and could hardly be seen!
2. To make a situation seem to be more important or serious than it really is: Adam said that he knew that he might be dramatizing what had happened with his car at the parking lot when he was shopping, but the dent he was dramatizing about was very small and could hardly be seen!
A dramatist; a maker of plays; a playwright.
Pertaining to dramaturgy; dramatic, histrionic, theatrical.
A composer of a drama; a playwright.
The art of the theater.
A dramatic piece for two performers only.
Of a dramatic nature or character in connection with a circus; probably based on the idea that a circus takes place in what is known as a "hippodrome" where horses run or perform.
1. A presentation by actors that is marked by the use of suspense, sensational episodes, romantic sentiment, and a conventionally happy ending.
2. Etymology: The term melodrama originated from the early 19th-century French word mélodrame which came from Late Latin drama, "a theatrical presentation".
2. Etymology: The term melodrama originated from the early 19th-century French word mélodrame which came from Late Latin drama, "a theatrical presentation".
melodramatic (adjective), more melodramatic, most melodramatic
1. A reference to something which is highly emotional or sentimental: The play that Edgar and Helen saw was criticized for its melodramatic ending.
2. Relating to a form of communication which is written, expressed in words, or some action that has an exaggerated appeal that is overly done: Sally wrote a very melodramatic letter to James when he told her that he had fallen in love with another woman.
3. Etymology: from Greek melos, "song" + drama. Formerly a romantic drama with sensational incidents and usually including music and songs.

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2. Relating to a form of communication which is written, expressed in words, or some action that has an exaggerated appeal that is overly done: Sally wrote a very melodramatic letter to James when he told her that he had fallen in love with another woman.
3. Etymology: from Greek melos, "song" + drama. Formerly a romantic drama with sensational incidents and usually including music and songs.

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