dis-, di-, dif-
(Latin: separation, apart, asunder; removal, away, from; negation, deprivation, undoing, reversal, utterly, completely; in different directions)
The meaning of dis- varies with different words; dif-, assimilated form of dis- before f; di-, form of dis- before b, d, g, l, m, n, r, and v.
disagreeable (adjective), more disagreeable, most disagreeable
1. Prone to being ill-natured or difficult: The old man seemed very disagreeable, rude, and irritable when he was asked to stop smoking his pipe in the waiting room.
2. Disposed to being unpleasant to the senses or feelings: The disagreeable smell evidently came from his sweaty shirt after wearing it for a whole week!
2. Disposed to being unpleasant to the senses or feelings: The disagreeable smell evidently came from his sweaty shirt after wearing it for a whole week!
disagreeably (adverb), more disagreeably, most disagreeably
1. Pertaining to how a person's mood is quarrelsome or bad-tempered: Mary replied disagreeably that she wasn't going to go on the trip at all and was going to stay home.
2. Characterizing how something is offensive or unpleasant: Robert thought the cheese had a disagreeably nasty and unpalatable odor.
2. Characterizing how something is offensive or unpleasant: Robert thought the cheese had a disagreeably nasty and unpalatable odor.
disallowable (adjective), more disallowable, most disallowable
Capable of being rejected, dismissed, or prohibited: Jim was caught with disallowable expenses for tax write-offs and had to pay a large fine.
disanimate (dis AN i mayt") (verb), disanimates; disanimated; disanimating
1. To render lifeless or to deprive of life: The terrible disease that Joan’s grandfather had disanimated him within a short time, so he didn’t have to suffer too much before he departed from this world.
2. To divest of spirit, courage, or vigor: After Greg’s mother passed away, the experience of losing her disanimated him completely to such a degree that he couldn’t go back to work for a long time.
3. To discourage, to dispirit, to dishearten: The ordeal of getting a bad grade on his English test in school disanimated Albert so much that he stayed in his room and wouldn't talk to anybody the whole day!
2. To divest of spirit, courage, or vigor: After Greg’s mother passed away, the experience of losing her disanimated him completely to such a degree that he couldn’t go back to work for a long time.
3. To discourage, to dispirit, to dishearten: The ordeal of getting a bad grade on his English test in school disanimated Albert so much that he stayed in his room and wouldn't talk to anybody the whole day!
disappear (noun), disappears; disappeared; disappearing
1. To pass out of sight; to vanish.
2. To cease to exist; that which can not be seen nor found.
3. To get lost; especially, without a warning or an explanation: "Her son disappeared without a trace."
4. To cease to be seen; that is, by moving away or going behind or into something.
2. To cease to exist; that which can not be seen nor found.
3. To get lost; especially, without a warning or an explanation: "Her son disappeared without a trace."
4. To cease to be seen; that is, by moving away or going behind or into something.
disappoint (verb), disappoints; disappointed; disappointing
1. To displease a person by not delivering something hoped for: The mail Lynn was wishing for didn't come and this disappointed and saddened her a whole lot!
Jane knew that she would disappoint him when she turned down his invitation to the party.
2. To fail in meeting an expectation or gratifying a hope; to let down: When the players lost the basketball game, they certainly disappointed the coach and some of their parents as well.
3. To thwart or to frustrate: Sally didn't want to disappoint the trust her parents had in her.
disappointedly (adverb), more disappointedly, most disappointedly
Referring to how a person reacts after his or her hopes, desires, or expectations have been thwarted: After receiving her poor grade in English, she walked back sadly and disappointedly to her desk in the classroom.
disappointingly (adverb), more disappointingly, most disappointingly
Descriptive of how something causes unhappiness, misery, or low spirits: After Tom opened the freezer and took out the ice cream container, it was disappointingly light and not much was left!
1. A person, thing, or event that lets down or disheartens: Jeff turned out to be a disappointment to his mom and dad.
2. An instance of, or an emotion of, being dejected, disillusioned, or dissatisfied: It was certainly a big disappointmen when Rose and her family didn't come to the reunion.
2. An instance of, or an emotion of, being dejected, disillusioned, or dissatisfied: It was certainly a big disappointmen when Rose and her family didn't come to the reunion.
1. A moral disapproval or condemnation: Most church ministers present disapprobations to their congregations about right and wrong behaviors.
2. An expression of a strong unfavorable opinion: As the mayor of his city, Chris was finding it difficult to tolerate the constant disapprobation of his critics.

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2. An expression of a strong unfavorable opinion: As the mayor of his city, Chris was finding it difficult to tolerate the constant disapprobation of his critics.

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1. The act of disapproving or condemning; censuring.
2. The expression of disapproval.
3. A feeling of disliking something or what someone is doing.
4. An inclination to withhold approval from some person or group.
5. A feeling of disliking something or what someone is doing.
2. The expression of disapproval.
3. A feeling of disliking something or what someone is doing.
4. An inclination to withhold approval from some person or group.
5. A feeling of disliking something or what someone is doing.