dis-, di-, dif-
(Latin: separation, apart, asunder; removal, away, from; negation, deprivation, undoing, reversal, utterly, completely; in different directions)
The meaning of dis- varies with different words; dif-, assimilated form of dis- before f; di-, form of dis- before b, d, g, l, m, n, r, and v.
1. To end the employment or service of; to discharge.
2. To direct or allow to leave; such as, "The captain dismissed troops after the inspection"; "The principal dismissed the student after reprimanding him."
3. To stop considering something; to rid one's mind of; to dispel: "She dismissed all thoughts of running for office."
4. To refuse to accept or recognize; to reject: "Mary dismissed the claim as highly improbable."
5. In law, to put (a claim or action) out of court without further hearing.
6. In sports, to eject (a player or coach) for the remainder of a game.
2. To direct or allow to leave; such as, "The captain dismissed troops after the inspection"; "The principal dismissed the student after reprimanding him."
3. To stop considering something; to rid one's mind of; to dispel: "She dismissed all thoughts of running for office."
4. To refuse to accept or recognize; to reject: "Mary dismissed the claim as highly improbable."
5. In law, to put (a claim or action) out of court without further hearing.
6. In sports, to eject (a player or coach) for the remainder of a game.
To dismiss a servant is to send him away.
1. An act or instance of dismissing.
2. The state of being dismissed.
3. A spoken or written order of discharge from employment, service, enrollment, etc.
2. The state of being dismissed.
3. A spoken or written order of discharge from employment, service, enrollment, etc.
1. To get off or down, as from a horse.
2. To get out of a vehicle.
3. To remove from a support, setting, or mounting.
4. To unseat or throw off, as from a horse.
5. To disassemble (a mechanism, for example).
6. The act or manner of dismounting, especially from a horse.
7. A move in gymnastics whereby the gymnast gets off an apparatus or completes a floor exercise, typically landing on both feet.
8. Etymology: Probably an alteration of obsolete French desmonter, "to unseat" des-, dis- plus monter, "to mount"; from Latin mons, mont-, "mountain".
2. To get out of a vehicle.
3. To remove from a support, setting, or mounting.
4. To unseat or throw off, as from a horse.
5. To disassemble (a mechanism, for example).
6. The act or manner of dismounting, especially from a horse.
7. A move in gymnastics whereby the gymnast gets off an apparatus or completes a floor exercise, typically landing on both feet.
8. Etymology: Probably an alteration of obsolete French desmonter, "to unseat" des-, dis- plus monter, "to mount"; from Latin mons, mont-, "mountain".
dismountable (adjective) (not comparable)
Capable of being taken apart: Jack was interested in old clocks and the one he received from his grandfather was a dismountable one which he disassembled and cleaned.
The tires of the trailer were dismountable and so Tom took them off and replaced them with winter tires.
Refusal or failure to obey; refusal to comply: Mrs. Smart, Jack's teacher, told his mother at the parent-teacher conference day that her child had a tendency towards disobedience by hitting other children during the breaks, although he was told not to.
disobedient (adjective), more disobedient, most disobedient
Referring to a person not obeying or complying with commands of those in authority: Joy, the new girl in class, turned out to be quite disobedient by behaving very badly towards her peers and failing to do what the teacher told her to do.
disobediently (adverb), more disobediently, most disobediently
Referring to how something is done in a defiant or contrary manner: Although little Mary was told to stay in the house, she disobediently sneaked out to jump in the puddles in the backyard while it was raining.
disobey (verb), disobeys; disobeyed; disobeying
1. To refuse, or to fail, to obey a rule, instruction, or authority: Kitty's mother told her to please wash the dishes while she was out shopping, but Kitty disobeyed and went outside to play instead.
2. Etymology: from Old French desobeir (13th century), reformed with dis- from Late Latin inobedire, a back-formation from inobediens, "not obeying"; from Latin in-, "not" + oboedire, "to obey, to pay attention to, to give ear to"; literally, "listen to" from ob-, "to" + audire, "to listen, to hear".
2. Etymology: from Old French desobeir (13th century), reformed with dis- from Late Latin inobedire, a back-formation from inobediens, "not obeying"; from Latin in-, "not" + oboedire, "to obey, to pay attention to, to give ear to"; literally, "listen to" from ob-, "to" + audire, "to listen, to hear".
disoblige (verb), disobliges; disobliged; disobliging
1. To be unwilling to help somebody.
2. To refuse or to neglect to act contrary to the desire or convenience of; to fail to accommodate.
2. To refuse or to neglect to act contrary to the desire or convenience of; to fail to accommodate.
disobligingly (adverb), more disobligingly, most disobligingly
1. Characterized by refusal or neglection to oblige.
2. A reference to an action contrary to a desire or convenience of; failing to accommodate.
2. A reference to an action contrary to a desire or convenience of; failing to accommodate.
A situation of confusion, lack of organization, or messiness: Alison realized that she could not work productively with the disorder on her desk; so, each day before going home, she tidied up her working area.
disorderly (adjective), more disorderly, most disorderly
Descriptive of that which is inadequate, confused, disturbed, higgledy-piggledy, or not working well: The marchers in the parade proceeded in a disorderly manner, sometimes walking on the sidewalk, other times cutting corners through the park.
disorient (verb), disorients; disoriented; disorienting
To cause someone to be lost or confused: Thick fogs often disorient drivers of vehicles resulting in many serous accidents.

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