dipso-, -dipsia, -dipsy, -dipsias +
(Greek: thirst, thirsty [toward "drink"])
1. The abnormal absence of thirst: Adrian was told that his lack of a desire to drink fluids, even when his body was low on water, was diagnosed as adipsia which was a result of an excess amount of salt in his body.
2. An abnormal avoidance of drinking: As people age, they have a tendency to have adipsia and so they are less likely to notice their thirst and may not drink sufficient fluids when they are needed.
2. An abnormal avoidance of drinking: As people age, they have a tendency to have adipsia and so they are less likely to notice their thirst and may not drink sufficient fluids when they are needed.
adipsous (adjective), more adipsous, most adipsous
Concerning something that quenches thirst: On the hiking trip, Jane hadn't had anything to drink for quite a while and noticed a craving to drink water or eat some adipsous fruit, like an orange!
The absence of thirst; adipsia: Mary's grandmother didn't notice that she had adipsy until her doctor told her about it and advised her to drink about two liters of water every day!
Extreme thirst or intense thirst: The obsolete term anadipsia refers to a sensation, often located in the mouth and throat, associated with a craving for something to drink that is ordinarily interpreted as a desire for water.
anadipsic (adjective) (not comparable)
Descriptive of an excessive thirst, usually of water: In the fantasy story Jane was reading, the main character noticed, after three days of not being able to drink, that he was suffering from an anadipsic health problem and needed to find a river or lake to find some water!
Thirst; being thirsty.
2. Marked by a feeling of thirst.
2. Pertaining to or characterized by thirst.
2. Pertaining to or characterized by thirst.
Thirst or being thirsty.
Dipsia is often used as a combining form that indicates conditions associated with thirst or the ingestion of fluids.
An agent that induces or produces a thirst.
Producing or inducing thirst.
1. The pathological excessive use of of alcohol.
2. Periodic drinking bouts.
3. A morbid and insatiable craving for alcohol.
2. Periodic drinking bouts.
3. A morbid and insatiable craving for alcohol.
Also applied to persistent drunkenness; alcoholism.
Someone who has a pathological and uncontrollable craving for alcoholic drinks: Karl's brother was arrested by the police recently because, as a dipsomaniac, he was driving his car and he ran into another vehicle.

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An intense revulsion of drinking alcoholic beverages: After experiencing some of her relatives consuming too much wine and beer and and seeing the bad and uncontrollable effects it produced, Becky hated those drinks and had dipsomanophobia.
1. An outdated medical term meaning the cure or treatment of a disease by refraining from liquids; a thirst cure: The doctor suggested Jack should have medical care, or a dipsopathy remedy, particularly by abstaining from drinking any alcohol.
2. Alcoholism: Tom had a case of dipsopathy and had to begin his treatment at the hospital.
2. Alcoholism: Tom had a case of dipsopathy and had to begin his treatment at the hospital.
A pathological or uncontrollable consumption of alcohol.