diplo-, dipl-
(Greek: double; two-fold)
1. The hearing of the same sound differently by one ear than by the other one so that a single sound is perceived as two: As a musician, Jasper realized that the displacusis from which he suffered was getting progressively worse and he realized that he would need to change careers if his condition could not be cured.
Iris thought she was losing her mind when she first developed diplasusis, because she was concerned that she was hearing duplicate sounds when she was sure she only should have heard just one.
2. Etymology: from Greek dipl-, "two fold, double" + akousis, "hearing".
A condition whereby there are two periods of motility or movement that is spontaneous without external aid which is usually applied to a microorganism in one lifetime: The zoospores of some fungi are examples of diplanetisms.
A paralysis of similar parts on two sides of the body: Children who are affected by diplegia in the legs will have problems playing sports; for example, football, because the muscles in the legs and hips make the legs turn towards the middle, crossing at the knees.
Diplegia also describes cerebral palsy which involves spastic weakness of all four limbs (both arms and both legs).
The paralysis of similar body parts on two sides of a person's face; as shown in the picture below: Lyme disease is the most widespread infectious source of diplegia facialis or facial diplegia, but it can be treated and the disability will recede.

diplegic (adjective), more diplegic, most diplegic
Characterizing bilateral paralysis, or being unable to move corresponding areas on both sides of the body: After noticing that she had problems with reaching for the plates in the cupboard or grasping the teapot, Marie went to the doctor and found out that she had diplegic symptoms, which were said to be caused by the traumatic accident that she had slipped and fell down while she was walking down the steps to her cellar.
Two short, rod-shaped bacterial cells linked end to end: Noticing an infection in her eye, Sharon went to see her ophthalmologist and learned that it was caused by diplobacili, tiny organisms which are parasitic and live on the mucous membranes.
A microscopic cell consisting of two bacteria which cling to each other: In her biology class, Susan could finally detect the diplobacteria in the special microscope and she saw that they always appeared in pairs.
Vegetation which has flowers and bears fruit two times a year: Such diplobionts, as some brown algae and fungi, have life-cycles known as gametic meiosis.
Layers of body tissues: The diploblasts consist of animals; such as, jellyfish and hydra, that are supposedly derived from just two skin-like layers, and in the adult, consist of an outer layer of cells (a skin), an inner layer (a gut), surrounding a gelatinous and sometimes acellular layer called the mesoglea.
diploblastic (adjective), more diploblastic, most diploblastic
In zoology, relating to a body that is derived from only two embryonic cell layers (ectoderm and endoderm, but no mesoderm): Sponges and coelenterates are diploblastic, being aquatic invertebrate animals of phylum, and include jellyfish, corals, and sea anemones.
A physical condition in which the lateral halves of the heart are separated by a central fissure, a cleft, or a groove that is normal or otherwise abnormal: In his medical studies at the university, Greg found out that diplocardia exists as a condition of the body organ of circulation which is being divided by a groove or indentation.
diplocardiac (adjective), more diplocardiac, most diplocardiac
Descriptive of having a heart that is completely divided or double, one side systemic (affecting the body as a whole), the other side pulmonary (affecting the lungs): Birds and mammals have diplocardiac hearts which have four chambers and allows for two separate circulations and keeps the arterial and venous blood from mixing.
diplochoric (adjective), more diplochoric, most diplochoric
Descriptive of using two actions to accomplish the spread of seeds: A diplochoric method can involve natural animal and wind dispersals or an agricultural planting by hand or farming equipment.
A scattering or sowing of seeds involving two or more processes: A diplochory takes place when a bird eats a fruit and disperses seeds in it's droppings and then these are carried away later by insects.
Any spherical or roughly spherical bacteria occurring in pairs: The diplococci are organisms which are oval shaped and can cause pneumonia.