digit-, digiti-

(Latin: finger, toe; from Greek daktylos)

digitigrade mammal
An animal that walks so that only the toes touch the ground; such as, dogs and cats and horses.
Parted, or divided, like the fingers.
To put (data, for example) into digital form.
digitize (verb), digitizes; digitized; digitizing
1. To convert an image, a graph, or other data into information for processing on a computer: The publishers of the local newspaper digitized it so it could be read on smartphones and tablets.
2. To manipulate or to treat in some way with the fingers: Jack used a pencil to digitize the information he wanted to keep on a note pad because he didn't have a computer!
Pertaining to the lateral, or fibular, side of the toes.
A reference to the toes and the metatarsus.
digitoplantar (s) (noun), digitoplantars (pl)
A reference to the toes and the undersurface of the feet: One night during a windstorm, Sidney got up on his bare feet to see what the noise was and he discovered, too late, that his digitoplantars were cut by the pieces of glass from the broken window on the floor which was caused by a tree that had been blown against side of his house.
Pertaining to the lateral, or radial, side of the fingers.
A small dumb keyboard used by pianists for exercising the fingers.
A reference to the medial, or tibial, side of the toes.
A little finger or toe, or something resembling one.
digitus (s), digiti (pl)
One of the terminal divisions of a limb appendage; a finger or toe, or fingers and/or toes.
digitus annularis, digitus medicus
The fourth, or ring, finger of the hand.
digitus auricularis
So called because of the habit of some people cleaning the ear/ears with this finger.
digitus demonstrativus
This usage is a result of the habit of pointing with the finger.

Cross references directly, or indirectly, involving the "toes" and "fingers": dactylo-; hallu-; phalang-.