dermo-, derm-, derma-, dermato-, dermat-, -derm, -derma, -dermatic, -dermatous, -dermis, -dermal, -dermic, -dermoid, -dermatoid

(Greek: skin)

transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator, transdermal electrical nerve stimulator, transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, TENS, transcutaneous nerve stimulation
1. A portable electronic device designed to relieve chronic pain by sending electrical impulses through electrodes covering the afflicted area on the body.
2. A method of pain control with the application of electric impulses to the nerve endings.

This is done through electrodes which are placed on the skin and attached to a stimulator with flexible wires.

The electric impulses which are generated are similar to those of the body; however, they are different enough to block the transmission of pain signals to the brain making this procedure noninvasive and nonaddictive, and with no known side effects.

Having hair on the skin.
trichome dermatitis
Dermatitis in humans produced by irritation by spicules, hairs, and scales of the epidermis of plants.
Relating to or derived from the three primary germ layers of the embryo: ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm.
1. The growing, active part of the trophoblast in the placental region.
2. The trophectoderm, or trophoblast, together with the vascular mesodermal layer underlying it.
Cutaneous trophic changes due to neural involvement.
venereal collar, collar of pearls, collar of Venus, leukoderma colli (s) (noun) (no pl)
Syphilitic leukoderma or a congenital skin condition characterized by spots or bands of unpigmented skin around the neck and shoulders: Venereal colla is virtually pathognomonic of late syphilis, that is decisively characteristic of a disease or indicating a disease with certainty.

vitiligo (vit uh LIE goh; vit ill EYE goh) (s) (noun); vitiligos, vitiligines (pl)
1. A skin condition in which there is loss of pigment (color) from areas of skin, resulting in irregular white patches that feel like normal skin: Shortly after he entered his teen years, Ashton noticed the development of vitiligo on his back.
2. A condition in which skin turns white due to the loss of melanocytes also known as leukoderma: Mark received a series of treatments for the vitiligo which was especially noticeable on his right arm.

In vitiligo, the melanocytes, or pigment that gives the skin its normal color, are mysteriously destroyed, leaving depigmented patches of skin on different parts of the body. The hair that grows in areas affected by vitiligo may also turn white.

Vitiligo is more noticeable in darker skinned people because of the contrast of white patches against dark skin.

As the skin gradually loses its color, patch by patch, other people often treat the person with vitiligo like a leper, thinking he/she has a contagious skin disease. In fact, vitiligo is called "white leprosy" in India. Women with it are often discriminated against in marriage. If they develop vitiligo after marriage, it can be grounds for divorce.

—Compiled from information which came from
Webster's New World Medical Dictionary via; and from
Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, F.A. Davis company; Philadelphia; 1997.

3. Etymology: Latin vitiligo, "a kind of tetter" (any of various skin diseases; such as, eczema, psoriasis, or herpes, characterized by eruptions and itching); coined by Aulus Cornelius Celsus, a Roman physician and writer of the early first century; from vitium, "fault, blemish, taint".
white dermography
A white line on the skin, apparently caused either by small blood vessel constrictions or by edema (a buildup of excess serous fluid between tissue cells).