dermo-, derm-, derma-, dermato-, dermat-, -derm, -derma, -dermatic, -dermatous, -dermis, -dermal, -dermic, -dermoid, -dermatoid

(Greek: skin)

gangrenous cellulitis, gangrenous dermatitis
Gangrenous necrosis of the skin of the thorax and thighs of chickens of one to four months of age caused by Clostridium septicum and other clostridia.

Clostridia refers to any of various rod-shaped, spore-forming, chiefly anaerobic bacteria of the genus Clostridium; such as, the nitrogen-fixing bacteria found in soil and those causing botulism and tetanus.

Most affected birds die and the mortality rate in a flock may be as high as 60%. Also known as necrotic dermatitis.

gastrodermal (adjective), more gastrodermal, most gastrodermal
Relating to the cell layer that lines the organs of invertebrates: The use of the high-powered microscope enabled Dr. Roberts to describe the gastrodermal cell structure of the common garden snail.
gastrodermis (s) (noun), gastrodermises (pl)
The inner lining of cells in invertebrates: In his elementary biology course, Jeff used the microscope to study the gastrodermises of the specimen worms.
Geodermatophilus (s) (noun) (no pl)
In microbiology, a genus of bacteria that retain the color of a gentian violet stain, aerobic bacteria, in the family Dermatophilaceae: The bacteria of the genus Geodermatophilus occurr in soil, with a tendency toward mycelial (mass of branched, tubular filaments of fungi) growth, the mass of fine branching tubes (known as hyphae) that forms the main growing structure of a fungus.

Visible structures like mushrooms are reproductive structures produced by the mycelium or the mass of fibers formed by certain bacteria.

1. Atrophy of the skin, as seen in old age.
2. Dystrophy of the skin and genitals, producing the appearance of old age.
halodermia (s) (noun), halodermias (pl)
A skin eruption caused by a halide: Tom noticed a strange spot that flared up on his arm, and after seeing Dr. Jones about it, it was diagnosed to be a halodermia, caused by a halogen acid.
haplodermatitis, haplodermitis (s) (noun); haplodermatitises, haplodermatitides
Inflammation of the skin with no complications: "The doctor told his patient that she had a secondary infection known as haplodermatitis so her condition was not as serious as it could have been."
An ulcerated skin lesion.
A genus of poisonous lizards; such as, the Gila monster, so named because of the tubercular scales that cover their bodies.

They are native to Mexico and the southwestern United States.

hematosis, haematosis
Sanguification (conversion of the products of digestion into blood); the conversion of chyle (white or pale yellow fluid) into blood.
heterodermatous (adjective), more heterodermatous, most heterodermatous
Pertaining to the skin or integument (outer covering or coat) of different structures in different parts of the body): The students in Mr. Snake's class learned about the heterodermatous sections of the skin of certain fishes and serpents.

Heterodermatous parts of a body are opposite to the "homodermatous" parts of a body.