dei-, div-
(Latin: God, god, godly; deity, divine nature)
deist (DEE ist)
Someone who believes in God based on reason rather than revelation and involves the view that God has set the universe in motion but does not interfere with how it runs.
1. A god, goddess, or other divine being: There have been polytheistic religions with multiple deities including many ancient civilizations; such as, Ancient Egyptian, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Nordic and Asian groups.
2. Someone or something that is treated like a god or goddess: There are many cultures or people throughout history that worshipped deities.
3. A monotheistic belief among Christians that there is only one God: The Deity that has a divine quality that distinguishes Him from others in existence; therefore, God cannot be likened to any created thing by people, regardless of how precious they may be.

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2. Someone or something that is treated like a god or goddess: There are many cultures or people throughout history that worshipped deities.
3. A monotheistic belief among Christians that there is only one God: The Deity that has a divine quality that distinguishes Him from others in existence; therefore, God cannot be likened to any created thing by people, regardless of how precious they may be.

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A term used in theology that signifies someone who is divine and man (human) at the same time.
divinal (adjective), more divinal, most divinal
Pertaining to divination; divinatory, magical: Marge was looking forward to some divinal, or fortune-telling, games at her friend's birthday party.
1. The method or practice of attempting to foretell the future or discovering the unknown through omens, oracles, or by supernatural powers: Divinations involve being able to foresee approaching events or obtaining secret knowledge through communication with holy sources and through signs and revelations.
2. A prophecy or prediction; soothsaying or the interpretation of omens or events: A divination is based on the belief in making events known to humans by the spirits and in supernatural forms of knowledge and so it attempts to make known those things that neither reason nor science can discover.
3. A premonition or feeling of apprehension about something that is going to happen: The system of divination takes for granted that spiritual beings exist, are approachable by humans, have access to the knowledge which people do not possess, and are willing, depending on certain conditions, to let supernatural beings communicate the special knowledge which they are believed to possess.

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2. A prophecy or prediction; soothsaying or the interpretation of omens or events: A divination is based on the belief in making events known to humans by the spirits and in supernatural forms of knowledge and so it attempts to make known those things that neither reason nor science can discover.
3. A premonition or feeling of apprehension about something that is going to happen: The system of divination takes for granted that spiritual beings exist, are approachable by humans, have access to the knowledge which people do not possess, and are willing, depending on certain conditions, to let supernatural beings communicate the special knowledge which they are believed to possess.

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divine: God, god, goddess
1. Being God or a god or goddess.
2. Connected with, coming from, or caused by God or a god or goddess.
3. Connected with the worship or service of God or a god or goddess.
4. To learn or discover something by intuition, inspiration, or other apparently supernatural means.
5. A member of the clergy, especially one who is knowledgeable about theology.
6. God, or whatever else is believed to be the underlying creative and sustaining force in the universe.
2. Connected with, coming from, or caused by God or a god or goddess.
3. Connected with the worship or service of God or a god or goddess.
4. To learn or discover something by intuition, inspiration, or other apparently supernatural means.
5. A member of the clergy, especially one who is knowledgeable about theology.
6. God, or whatever else is believed to be the underlying creative and sustaining force in the universe.
By God or a god or goddess.
1. A person who claims to discover hidden knowledge with the aid of supernatural powers: Little Nancy said she was a diviner who could foretell the future of her friends by looking into her glass globe.
2. Someone who searches for underground water, metal, or minerals: Jack was termed by his neighbors to be a diviner because he had a divining rod which he used to look for old coins in his backyard.
2. Someone who searches for underground water, metal, or minerals: Jack was termed by his neighbors to be a diviner because he had a divining rod which he used to look for old coins in his backyard.

This diviner can't even see the present much less the future. The financial adviser was seeking guidance for future investments via the crystal ball and may now have just seen a prophecy of a "crash" in the stock market.
divinipotent (adjective), more divinipotent, most divinipotent
Concerning someone or something that has the power of divination: The little girls played a game in which divinipotent secrets of the future were disclosed by preternatural means!
1. The quality associated with being God, a god, or a goddess.
2. The study of religion, especially the Christian religion.
3. God, a god, or a goddess.
2. The study of religion, especially the Christian religion.
3. God, a god, or a goddess.
divinize (verb), divinizes; divinized; divinizing
To deify or to make godly as a result of treating someone like a god or goddess: Some people divinize certain politicians, entertainers, or friends as a reason to enjoy their existence even more!
indivinable (adjective), more indivinable, most indivinable
Regarding the impossibility of being conjectured or guessed: To prophesy or predict one's future is certainly indivinable because things just might turn out completely different!
1. An image or statue representing a Chinese deity.
2. A Chinese god worshiped in the form of an idol.
3. Etymology: a Chinese figure of a deity, 1711, from Chinese Pidgin English; from Javanese dejos, from Portuguese deus, "god"; from Latin deus.
2. A Chinese god worshiped in the form of an idol.
3. Etymology: a Chinese figure of a deity, 1711, from Chinese Pidgin English; from Javanese dejos, from Portuguese deus, "god"; from Latin deus.
Colloquially, it came to mean "luck"; then, a Joss stick and "Chinese incense" was first recorded in 1883.
Memento ut diem sabbati sanctifices. Sex diebus operaberis, et facies omnia opera tua. Septimo autem die sabbatum Domini Dei tui est.
Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work: but the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God.
As written in the Old Testament of the Bible, Exodus: xx, 8-10 (c. 700 B.C.). Also see Deuteronomy: v, 12.
Nemo tenetur divinare.
No man is bound to divine, or to have foreknowledge of, a future event.
A legal term.