dei-, div-
(Latin: God, god, godly; deity, divine nature)
An act of God: More literally, actus Dei is a “driving” or the “moving forward of God”. Used in legal terminology, actus Dei refers to any phenomena, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, falling trees, hail storms, etc.
The greatest of all perplexities in theology has been to reconcile the infinite goodness of God with his omnipotence. Nothing puts a greater strain upon the faith of the common man than the existence of utterly irrational suffering in the universe.
ad majorem dei gloriam; A.M.D.G. (Latin motto)
To or for the greater glory of God.
Motto used by the Jesuit order (Society of Jesuits).
Sometimes the full expression is cited as the rationale for actions taken by Christians.
adieu (French)
Goodbye (literally, "I commend you to god.").
agnostic, atheist, deist, theist
agnostic (ag NOS tik) (noun)
Someone who believes that there can be no proof of the existence of God, but does not deny the possibility that God exists: At the theology lecture, there were several people from diverse religious backgrounds making presentations; for example, William indicated that he was an agnostic and explained that there was no proof that God existed.
atheist (AY thee ist) (noun)
A disbeliever, denier of God's existence: Annie stated that she believed in the existence of God, but that her brother, James, was an atheist and didn't have such a belief.
deist (DEE ist) (noun)
Someone who believes in God based on reason rather than revelation and involves the view that God has set the universe in motion but does not interfere with how it exists: Harry is a deist who believes in God as the creator of the universe but that humans are allowed to determine the kind of existence they feel is appropriate whether for good or for bad.
theist (THEE ist) (noun)
Someone who believes in a personal God as creator and ruler of the universe, but not necessarily accompanied by a belief in divine revelation; such as, through the Bible: Josie is a member of a theist group believing in God but not necessarily as depicted in the Bible.
Two friends, a theist and a deist, got together to debate whether being an atheist has anything in common with those who profess to be agnostic.
D.D. (Divinitatis Doctor)
Doctor of Divinity.
A degree granted after a required curriculum of graduate theological studies has been accomplished.
Dei sub numine viget.
He grows strong in the presence of God.
Motto of Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA.
deicide, deicidal
1. The act of killing a god or goddess.
2. Killing a divine being or a representation of a divinity.
2. Killing a divine being or a representation of a divinity.

1. Making someone divine or giving him/her the status of a god or goddess.
2. With a divine nature or the status of a god or goddess.
2. With a divine nature or the status of a god or goddess.
1. The action or process of making someone a god or goddess.
2. The condition of having been made a god or goddess.
2. The condition of having been made a god or goddess.
1. Someone who makes a god of or who raises to the condition of a god.
2. Someone who worships or reveres as a god; such as, deifying a leader.
3. Anyone who idealizes or exalts.
2. Someone who worships or reveres as a god; such as, deifying a leader.
3. Anyone who idealizes or exalts.
1. Having the form of a god; godlike in form.
2. Conformable to the character or nature of God; godlike, divine, holy.
2. Conformable to the character or nature of God; godlike, divine, holy.
deify (verb), defies; deified; deifying
1. To make someone into a god.
2. To honor or adore someone or something as if he, she, or it were divine.
2. To honor or adore someone or something as if he, she, or it were divine.
Bearing or bringing forth a god (giving birth to a god).
deipotent (adjective), more deipotent, most deippotent
Regarding something or someone with god-like power: When Clive went to church, he was hoping to experience a deipotent feeling, something that would have devine power to alleviate his sorrow.
deism, deistic, deistical
A belief in God based on reason rather than revelation, and involving the view that God has set the universe in motion but does not interfere with how it runs. Deism was especially influential in the 17th and 18th centuries.