Considerable variation in the size of cells that are normally uniform, especially with reference to red blood cells.
A tumor made up of astrocytes or the star-shaped cells of the nervous system.
The capacity of cells to absorb and retain electronegative colloids, as shown by macrophages and at the apical surface of proximal convoluted tubule cells of the kidney.
A plastic operation on the bladder employing tissue grafts taken from another site on the same patient's body.
The segregation and degradation of damaged or unwanted cytoplasmic constituents by autophagic vacuoles (cytolysosomes) composed of lysosomes containing cellular components in the process of digestion; it plays an important role in metamorphosis of amphibians, in the removal of bone by osteoclasts, and in the degradation of normal cell components in nutritional deficiency states.
(s) (noun), capnocytophagas
A genus of Gram-negative, fusiform bacteria that require carbon dioxide for growth and exhibit gliding motility; associated with human periodontal disease.
cytoarchitectonics, cytoarchitectonic
The cellular composition of a bodily structure.
The influence of one cell on another.
A form of energy, totally unrelated to electricity, light, heat, or sound, which is generated by living tissues; the vital principle in all living tissues. The term was first introduced in 1923 by Frederic Wood Jones, who defined it as "the influence of body cells on other body cells"; the “call of cell to cell”.
The killing of cells.
One of the threadlike extensions of the cytoplasm of a neuron, which typically branch into tree-like processes.
In unipolar and bipolar neurons, there is a single dendrite, which proximally resembles an axon but branches distally; in multipolar neurons there are many short, branching dendrites. Dendrites compose most of the receptive surface of a neuron.
A cross reference of word units that are related, directly or indirectly, to "cell, cells, cell nucleus":
kary-, karyo-;
Here is a general explanation about Cells and their Compositions.