crymo-, crym-, krymo-, krym-
(Greek: cold, frost, chill; freezing)
The planktonic creatures of perpetual ice and snow: Crymnions are cryoplanktons which are miniature organisms, particularly algae, and thrive in icy water, snow or ice.
The freezing of the skin with ice, carbon dioxide snow, or the evaporation of ethyl chloride: The process of crymoanesthesia is used to prepare the skin for the surgical excision of superficial tumors, incisions, and drainage.
Dr. Johnson, the dermatologist, preferred to use the least intrusive procedures when removing warts, etc. from the skin, so he administered a crymoanesthesia.
crymocolous (adjective) (not comparable)
Referring to life that grows in tundra or polar regions: Some crymocolous forms of life are the lichens Arctic willows, cottongrasses, and purple saxifrages..
Rheumatism: The elderly Mrs. Lawson had a disorder called crymodinia that her doctor told her was due to cold or resulting from cold conditions.
Pain from cold or chilliness: Crymodynia, especially rheumatic pain, is aggravated by damp weather, for example.
crymohemic (adjective) (no pl)
Referring to a form of life that is cold blooded: Such crymohemic animals are known as poikilotherms, like insects amphibians, reptiles and worms.
A form of life that thrives in polar habitats or regions: There aren't any trees that grow in such polar areas, but there are some crymophiles in the Antarctica, like some kinds of small shrubs, mosses, algae, and lichens.
There are some animals that are crymophiles, like the polar bears and arctic foxes, that are able to exist in the very cold weather of the Arctic environments.
crymophilic (adjective), more crymophilic, most crymophilic
Regarding a life form that grows best at low temperatures: Some crymophilic microorganisms are not able to thrive in heat, but only in the chilliness of the weather.
crymophylactic (adjective), more crymophylactic , most crymophylactic
Descriptive of the resistance to low temperatures: Some bacteria and microorganisms are thought to be crymophylactic and cannot be destroyed even by freezing temperatures.
A plant that grows in polar regions: The arctic poppy, the cotton grass, and the purple saxifrage are just a few kinds of vegetation that are considered to be crymophytes and can grow in cold climate conditions.
The use of cold in the treatment of disease: Crymotherapeutics is a type of medical treatment that involves cooling the body, esecially by applying ice packs.
crymotherapy, krymotherapy, cryotherapy (s) (noun); crymotherapies: krymotherapies; cryotherapies (pl)
Treatment of an illness with the use of cold temperatures: Dr. Smith suggested that Sally try a few sessions of crymotherapy to remove the warts on her foot.
A line connecting points on the Earth's surface at which the temperature is the same during a specific cold time of a of the year: Mr. Tall asked the students in his class to construct a isocryme which would show the same mean temperature in the coldest part of the year.
Cross references of word families that are related directly or indirectly to "winter, freezing, frost, and/or cold": algid- (cold, chilly); cheimo-, chimo- (winter, cold); cryo-, kryo-; (cold, freezing); frigo-, frig- (cold, frost); gel-, gelati- (freeze, frost, congeal); hiber- (winter, wintry); pago- (cold, freezing); psychro- (cold); rhigo- (cold, frost; shiver).
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