cris-, crit-, cri-

(Greek: to separate; a separating, putting apart; a decision, decide; to judge)

abdominal crisis (s) (noun), abdominal crises (pl)
Severe stomach pain resulting from several possible causes: Abdominal crisis usually refers to pain which is produced by sickle cell anemia, bowel obstruction and / or perforation, hemorrhage, ectopic pregnancy, among other sicknesses.
acrisia (s) (noun), acrisias (pl)
The condition of a disease with no symptoms to establish the diagnosis: The doctor told Tom that his condition was an acrisia that made a prognosis impossible because of the absence of any determinable or favorable symptoms.
acritical (adjective), more acritical, most acritical
In medicine, not marked by trouble or danger; not critical: At the clinic, Lynn was relieved concerning the acritical condition of her health following her check-up.
addisonian crisis, acute adrenocortical insufficiency, adrenocortical crisis, adrenal crisis
The syndrome which accompanies the acute onset or aggravation of Addison's disease or other forms of adrenal insufficiency, resulting in lethargy, fever, vascular collapse, and often death.
adolescent crisis (s) (noun), adolescent crises (pl)
The physiological and emotional changes which occur during teenage years and constitute a sudden demand on the ego for any unusual adaptational responses.
asthmatic crisis
A severe attack of asthma.
Critical of oneself or one's own work.
celiac crisis
1. A sudden worsening of the clinical state of an infant or child with celiac disease (gluten enteropathy) resulting from the ingestion of wheat germ-containing food, even in minute amounts, in those who are in the process of recovery on a gluten-free diet.
2. The rapid onset of malnutrition in celiac (abdominal) disease with severe watery diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration, and acidosis.

Vigorous antibiotic and nutritional therapy is required.

crisis (s) (noun), crises (pl)
1. The turning point in the course of a disease, when it becomes clear whether the patient will recover or die.
2. A transition for better or for worse in the course of a disease; usually, indicated by a significant change in the intensity of signs and symptoms.
3. A turning point in the course of anything; a decisive or crucial time, stage, or event; for example, regarding events affecting the emotional state of a person after a death or divorce which can result in personality growth or personality disorganization.
4. A time of great danger or trouble, whose outcome decides whether possible bad consequences will follow.
5. Etymology: from Greek krisis, "turning point in a disease" (used as such by Hippocrates and Galen); literally, "judgment" from krinein, "to separate, to decide, to judge".

The sense of decisive moment is first recorded in English in 1627 as a figurative extension of the original medical meaning.

The Barnhart Dictionary of Etymology; Robert K. Barnhart, Editor;
The H.W. Wilson Company; 1988; page 235.

crisis intervention (s) (noun), crisis interventions (pl)
A short-term intense therapy which emphasizes the identification of the circumstances that trigger an emotional trauma: "The emphasis is on neutralizing the trauma and mobilizing coping skills which will treat the crisis and make the situation as good as or better than the pre-crisis situation or condition."
crisis resolution
In psychiatry, the development of effective adaptive and coping methods to resolve a mental or emotional crisis.
crisis theory for crisis therapy
A framework which is developed for defining and explaining the circumstances that take place when people are confronted with problems which appear to be impossible to solve.
crisis-intervention unit
A group trained in emergency medical treatment and in various methods for rendering psychiatric therapeutic assistance to a person or group of patients during a period of crisis; especially, instances involving suicide attempts or drug abuse.

The main objectives of such crisis assistance procedures are to help people cope with their current problems and to offer guidance and support for long-term therapies.

criteria (plural)
Standards for judgment.

There is no such thing as one criteria. "These are the criteria you must follow if you want to succeed."

There's but one
Folks inferia
Say "one criteria."
—Willard R. Espy in "Say It My Way"
criterion (singular)
A standard, rule, or test by which something can be judged; a measure of value.

Use and misuse: the proper use of "criterion" is singular while "criteria" is the correct plural form. Misuse is "criterions" or "criterias" for the plural or "criteria" as a singular form.