(Latin: creak, crackle; rattle, rustling; grating, grinding)
crepitant (adjective), more crepitant, most crepitant
1. A reference to the feel or sound of crackling or rattling, or of rough surfaces being rubbed together: The crepitant sound of the virtual DVD of a fireplace which Jim's sister has is realistic; the only thing missing is the warmth.
2. Pertaining to a fine bubbling noise produced by air entering fluid in lung tissue: The most crepitant sounds are heard during pneumonia and in certain other conditions.
3. Etymology: from Latin crepitans, "An audible crackling sound."

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2. Pertaining to a fine bubbling noise produced by air entering fluid in lung tissue: The most crepitant sounds are heard during pneumonia and in certain other conditions.
3. Etymology: from Latin crepitans, "An audible crackling sound."

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An abnormal breathing sound produced at the end of breathing in and caused by air entering a collapsed alveoli (air cells in the lungs) or just collapsed alveoli and atelectasis (collapse of the lung) that contain fibrous exudate (fluid that oozes out of blood vessels because of inflammation and which is deposited in nearby tissues): "Crepitant crackles occur in pneumonia, tuberculosis, and pulmonary edema."
crepitate (verb), crepitates; crepitated; crepitating
To make crackling, popping, or grating sounds: It is easy to hear the popcorn crepitating as it is heated and prepared for eating.

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1. A rattling or crackling sound like that made by rubbing hair between the fingers close to the ear.
2. The sensation that is felt when placing the hand over a fracture when the broken ends of the bone are moved, or over tissue in which gas gangrene is present.
3. The noise produced by rubbing bone or irregular cartilage surfaces together, as in arthritis.
2. The sensation that is felt when placing the hand over a fracture when the broken ends of the bone are moved, or over tissue in which gas gangrene is present.
3. The noise produced by rubbing bone or irregular cartilage surfaces together, as in arthritis.
1. A clinical sign in medicine characterized by a peculiar crackling, crinkly, or grating feeling or sound under the skin, around the lungs, or in the joints: "Crepitus is associated with gas gangrene, rubbing of bone fragments, air in the superficial tissues, or crackles of a consolidated area of the lungs in pneumonia."
4. Etymology: from the Latin crepitus, "a crackling sound" or "a rattle"; from Latin crepare. "to crack, to creak".
"Crepitus in soft tissues is often a result of gas, most often air, that has penetrated and infiltrated an area where it should not normally be; as for example, the soft tissues beneath the skin (a condition called subcutaneous emphysema)."
2. Clicking sounds often heard in the movements of the bone joints; for example, in temporomandibular joints (of the lower jaw) resulting from joint irregularities: "Some crepituses conditions are caused by tissues rubbing together in abnormal ways.""The most common causes of these types of crepituses are arthritides or joint injuries."
"Other common causes of crepituses exist when air gets inside soft tissues, which can cause crackling or popping sounds when pressed and the most important causes of these types of crepituses are holes in the airways or guts or anaerobic bacterial infections."
3. Flatulence or the noisy discharge of fetid gas discharged from the intestine: "This particular form of crepitus is considered to be a shorter version of crepitus ventris, "sound made by the belly".4. Etymology: from the Latin crepitus, "a crackling sound" or "a rattle"; from Latin crepare. "to crack, to creak".
decrepit (adjective), more decrepit, most decrepit
1. Weakened, worn out, impaired, or broken down by old age, illness, or hard use.
2. In poor condition; especially, as a result of being old, overused, or not working efficiently.
3. Etymology: from Middle French decrepit, from Latin decrepitus, from de-, "down" + crepitus, from crepare, "to crack, to break".
2. In poor condition; especially, as a result of being old, overused, or not working efficiently.
3. Etymology: from Middle French decrepit, from Latin decrepitus, from de-, "down" + crepitus, from crepare, "to crack, to break".
decrepitate (verb), decrepitates; decrepitated; decrepitating
1. To heat a substance; especially, a salt, until it crackles or stops crackling, or to be heated in this way.
2. To roast or to calcine (crystals or salts) until they emit a crackling sound or until the crackling stops.
3. To make a crackling sound when roasted.
2. To roast or to calcine (crystals or salts) until they emit a crackling sound or until the crackling stops.
3. To make a crackling sound when roasted.
1. The crackling or breaking up of certain crystals when they are heated.
2. The sharp sound of snapping noises; such as, the crackling and the snapping of certain salts when heated.
3. The breaking up of mineral substances when exposed to heat; usually, accompanied by a crackling noise.
2. The sharp sound of snapping noises; such as, the crackling and the snapping of certain salts when heated.
3. The breaking up of mineral substances when exposed to heat; usually, accompanied by a crackling noise.
The quality or condition of being weakened or worn out from age or wear.
1. The quality or condition of being weakened, worn out, impaired, in poor working order, or broken down by old age, illness, or hard use: Henry realized that decrepitude was creeping into his life even more at the age of 75 because he had to wear a hearing aid and stronger glasses, he needed a cane for walking, and he had uncontrollable arthritis in the joints of his elbows, fingers and knees.
2. Etymology: from Latin decrepitus (de- + crepitus from crepare, "to crack, to break" + -tude, "quality, condition of"
2. Etymology: from Latin decrepitus (de- + crepitus from crepare, "to crack, to break" + -tude, "quality, condition of"
1. A lack of agreement or balance: "There is a discrepancy when there is a difference between two things that should be the same."
2. A divergence or disagreement; such as, between facts or claims; a difference: "There are discrepancies between the results of the two research results."
3. Etymology: from Latin discrepantia. "discordance, discrepancy", from discrepantem, discrepans, discrepare, "sound differently, differ"; from dis-, "apart, off" + crepare, "to rattle, to crack, to creak".
2. A divergence or disagreement; such as, between facts or claims; a difference: "There are discrepancies between the results of the two research results."
3. Etymology: from Latin discrepantia. "discordance, discrepancy", from discrepantem, discrepans, discrepare, "sound differently, differ"; from dis-, "apart, off" + crepare, "to rattle, to crack, to creak".
discrepant (adjective), more discrepant, most discrepant
Descriptive of not being in agreement, not in accord with another version, or not compatible with other facts or data: When the two cars drove into each other, the two witnesses, who were waiting on one side of the street and saw the incident, gave two different or discrepant accounts of how the crash took place.

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subcrepitant (adjective)
Nearly or faintly heard or the sounds of fine bubbling noises: "The doctor's stethoscope indicated subcrepitant sounds from the patient's lungs which were possibly from pneumonia."
subcrepitation (s) (noun), subcrepitations
A sound approaching sharp or snapping noises.
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