-agra, -agras
(Greek: in medicine, a painful seizure or sudden-acute pain; as, with gout)
Acute gout of the elbow: When Albertr got older, he acquired anconagra in bobit joints in his arms which caused him much pain when bending his arms..
Pain emanating from an artery: A case of arteriagra can be caused by a headache from an inflamed temporal artery.
Articular gout: Dr. Smart told Jim that he was suffering from arthragra which caused him painful swelling in various joints in his body.
In pathology, goat or a pain in the heart: Old Mr. Williams suffered from a pain in the region of his heart and his doctor diagnosed it as being a case of cardiagra and gave him some medication to relieve some of his discomfort.
A sudden painful affliction (disease) of the stomach or other abdominal organs: Susan felt an achimg and tender feelomg in her abdomen, and when her doctor examined her, he said that she had a condition of celiagra, an infections in her tummy. .
Gout in the head; cephalalgia: Jack had a headache quite often, and following a check-up at Dr. Smith's office, he was informed that he had a case of cephalagra, or simply a headache.
Pain in the hand: Because Greg's left hand was so painful, he went to see his doctor who said that he had had chiragra, or in other words, a form of gout in his left hand, especially in the joints of his hand.
A sudden severe pain in the clavicle (shoulder bone), resembling gout: A sharp pain went through Shirley's shoulder, so, after an examination at Dr. Smart's office, she was informed that she had a case of cleidagra affecting the bone linking the scarily and the sterouma.
In pathology, pain following the sciatic nerve: Jane felt a pain in the hip, and since it didn't go away, she went to see her doctor who said that it was a condition of coxagra and could affect her legs as well. .
Outdated, pain from gout of the fingers: Old Mr. Lawson knew that he had dactylagra, and it was painful when he moved his finger.s
Painful sensations in the tongue: Dr. Green explained that glossagra was a neuralgic pain and was a symptom of some physical hurt or disorder.
Gout in the knee: Because of kneeling down so much during gardening, Jill became affected with gonagra,, which was quite painful.
Outdated, a term for gout in the knee: Chuck found an old medical dictionary in the attic which belonged to his grandfather and he found the word gonatagra which referred to the painful inflammation of knee joints.
1. A group of disorders of purine metabolism: Gout manifests itself by various combinations of (a) hyperuricemia; (b) recurrent acute inflammatory arthritis induced by crystals of monosodium urate monohydrate; (c) tophaceous deposits of these crystals in and around the joints of the extremities, which may lead to crippling destruction of joints; and (d) uric acid urolithiasis.
2. In rheumatology, a recurrent acute arthritis of peripheral joints: Gout can be caused by the accumulation of monosodium urate crytals. Often presents as pain and swelling confined to one joint. The big toe joint is commonly affected.
2. In rheumatology, a recurrent acute arthritis of peripheral joints: Gout can be caused by the accumulation of monosodium urate crytals. Often presents as pain and swelling confined to one joint. The big toe joint is commonly affected.
The arthritis occurs secondary to an inherited abnormality of purine metabolism resulting in the deposition of uric acid crystals (sodium urate) within the joint space and articular cartilage.
3 Etymology: from Latin gutta "a drop", because of the ancient belief that the disease was due to a “noxa” falling drop by drop into the joint.
Rheumatic, myalgic, or muscle pains in the arms or legs: Carol's doctor told her that the pains she felt in her legs were termed melagra and were probably caused by some physical hurt or by a disease.
Cross references related to "pain, hurt; suffering, injury" word families: algesi-; algo-; angina-; dolor-; Masochism; noci-; odyno-; poen-; pono- (toil, work; pain); Sadism.
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