esprit de corps
(s) (noun) (no plural form)
1. A feeling of pride, fellowship, and common loyalty shared by the members of a particular group of people.
2. A sense of unity and of shared interests and responsibilities that have been developed by people who are closely associated in a task, a cause, an enterprise, etc.
3. Etymology: from late 18th century French; literally, "spirit of the body".
(adjective), more extracorporeal, most extracorporeal
Descriptive of something that is occurring or is situated outside the body: An extracorporeal circulatory support unit can be a heart-lung machine, which is used primarily for animals during surgery.
habeas corpus
(s) (noun), habeas corpora (pl
That you may have the body: A
habeas corpus is a written order requiring a person to be brought before a court or judge to determine his or her legal rights.
When a lawyer intends to apply to a court to obtain a judicial authority, it is fully described as a writ habeas corpus ad subiciendum which requires the prosecutor in the case to bring the accused before a court to undergo ad subiciendum, the action of the law.
A habeas corpus is a feature of British and United States law that protects an individual against arbitrary imprisonment by requiring that anyone who is arrested be brought before a court for a formal charge.
When the court order is executed, a judge hears the complaint under which the person has been detained and rules on the validity of the arrest. If the charge is considered valid, the person must submit to trial; if not, he or she goes free.
(s) (noun), hemicorporectomies
The surgical removal of the lower half of the body, including the lower extremities, bony pelvis, genitalia, and the various parts of the pelvic contents including the lower part of the rectum to the anus: A hemicorporectomy is a severely mutilating procedure recommended only as a last resort for patients with severe and potentially fatal physical illnesses.
(verb), incorporates; incorporated; incorporating
To make something a part of another thing or group: Jim's company expanded and got bigger and so, he
incorporated it as a profitable business.
Jim also told his employees that he would also incorporate their valid suggestions into the new administration.
2. Etymology: from Latin
incorporat-, "embodied"; from
incorporare which is from
in-, "into" +
corporare, "to form into a body".
(s) (noun), incorporations
A part of another business organization: Kate's company established an incorporation or membership with a similar commercial enterprise.
(s) (noun), incorporators
A business which is organized and maintained as a legal unification with another commercial establishment: Robert was a manager and an incorporator with a company whose business was similar to his and so they were able to be more profitable together.
(adjective), more incorporeal, most incorporeal
1. Relating to something that is not composed of matter; having no material nor physical existence: In Jim's dream, an incorporeal spirit came from nowhere and told him to go visit his old mother before it was too late.
2. Etymology: from Latin incorporeus; from in-, "not" + corporeus, "body" + -al, "relating to" .
(adverb), more incorporeally, most incorporeally
A reference to having no material form or physical substance: There are
incorporeally actions of properties or assets which can't be physically possessed; such as, legal rights or images in dreams or in normal living.
The incorporeally hallucinatory figures, both in dreams and regular life, are not necessarily based on those of the living because from the reappearance of dead friends or enemies, primitive humans were inevitably led to believe that there was an incorporeally existence of people which survived the dissolution of their bodies.
Incorporeally relating to assets that cannot be physically possessed; such as, a right, a privilege, etc.
(adjective), more intracorporeal, most intracorporeal
A reference to something being located or occurring within a body: Naturally, some intracorporeal parts are the lungs, the heart, the stomach, the bones or the skeleton, the brain, the muscles, etc.
Mens sana in corpore sano.
1. "A sound mind in a sound body." -Juvenal
2. "A healthy mind in a healthy body."
Actually, the whole sentence is Orandum est ut sit mens sana in corpore sano.: "You should pray for a healthy mind in a healthy body."
Juvenal, in his Satires, suggests to us that we must pray for attainment of mens sana in corpore sano, and his phrase has found use for many centuries as the stated educational goal of many schools: "To train the body as well as the mind."
Public statements by some near-illiterate college athletes suggest that the sound body is too often achieved without accompanying improvement of the mind.
—Partially based on information from
Amo, Amas, Amat and More by Eugene Ehrlich;
Harper & Row, Publishers; New York; 1985; pages 184-185.
Mens, animus, corpus. (Latin motto)
Translation: "Mind, soul, body."
A motto of Colby-Sawyer College, New London, New Hampshire, USA.
Nemo liber est qui corpori servit.
Translation: "No man is free who is a slave to the flesh [body]."
From Seneca, who may have been referring to those who indulged in the unbridled pursuit of pleasure and other physical excesses.
(adjective), more omnicorporeal, most omnicorporeal
Characteristic of or relating to the inclusion of all bodies or substances: There are those who consider the soul to be a
omnicorporeal part of the body, otherwise it would have no real existence and it would be incapable of holding the body together.
Thoughts are considered by some to be the essential part of being omnicorporeal and spiritual natures which are absolutely distinct, so they cannot act upon each other. Organic bodies are omnicorporeal substances.
quasi corporation
(s) (noun), quasi corporations
A public or municipal body which is not specifically vested with all of the usual powers of such an organization, but exercising certain functions and rights in connection with public duties or applications: In the United States, counties, townships, parishes, etc., there are sometimes such
quasi corporations.