cnem-, cnemo-, cnemi-; knem-, knemo-, knemi-

(Greek: the part of the leg between the knee and the ankle)

acnemia (s) (noun), acnemias (pl)
1. A condition characterized by atrophy of the muscles of the calves of the legs.
2. A congenital absence of the legs; especially, below the knees.
anticnemion (s) (noun), anticnemions (pl)
The shin or the front part of the leg below the knee.
brachycnemic, brachyknemic (adjective); more brachycnemic, more brachyknemic; most brachycnemic, most brachyknemic
A reference to having short legs with the lower legs disproportionately shorter than the thighs or upper legs.
cnemial (adjective) (not comparable)
Referring to the shin bone or tibia, the leg bone just below the knee: The cnemial part of the leg articulates with the head of the fibula above and with the talus below.

cnemitis (s) (noun), cnemities (pl)
An inflammation of the tibia or the part of the leg just below the knee.
On the inner side of the tibia.