-cle +

(Latin: small, insignificant)

appendicle (s) (noun), appendicles (pl)
A small part that is joined to something larger.
arbuscle, arbuscula
A dwarf tree, one in size between a shrub and a tree; a treelike shrub.
1. The part of the external ear that projects outward from the head.
2. An ear-shaped muscular part that sticks out from the surface of each upper chamber atrium of the heart.
3. Etymology: from Latin auricula, "little ear".

A term applied both to the pinna, or flap, of the ear; and also to the ear-shaped tip of the atrium of the heart.

canticle (s) (noun), canticles (pl)
1. A song or chant; especially, a hymn containing words derived from the Bible, used in some Christian liturgies.
2. Etymology: from Latin canticulum, "little song".
1. A multiple-headed boil.
2. A group of boils is known as a carbuncle.
3. A red gemstone, especially a garnet, which is smoothly rounded and polished.
4. Etymology: from Old French charbu(n)cle and Latin carbunculus, "small coal"(carbon- "coal").
A short caulis or stem; especially, the rudimentary stem seen in the embryo of seed; otherwise called a radicle.
clavicle (s) (noun), clavicles (pl)
1. The bone extending from the breastbone (sternum) at the base of the front of the neck to the shoulder.
2. The long curved bones that connect the upper part of the breastbone with the shoulder blade at the top of each shoulder in humans: "The two clavicles join the top of the sternum (breastbone) to the shoulders and help support the arms."
3. A bone or structure with a function similar to that of the human clavicle in some other animals.

It is reduced or absent in many mammals.

4. Etymology: from Latin clavicula, "small key".

The Collar Bone Known as the Clavicle

There are two bones, each slightly curved like an "f" which join the top of the sternum (breastbone) to the scapula (shoulder blade).

  • The clavicles support the arms and transmit physical forces from the arms to the central skeleton.
  • The ligaments which link the clavicle to the sternum and scapula are considered to be strong and this explains why the clavicle is usually not dislocated; however, it is often broken.
  • Most fractures take place because of a fall on the shoulder or on an outstretched arm.
  • —Compiled from information located in
    The American Medical Association Home Medical Encyclopedia,
    Medical Editor, Charles B. Clayman, MD; Random House;
    New York; 1989; page 283.
    corpuscle (s) (noun), corpuscles (pl)
    1. A small independent body; especially, a cell in blood or lymph.
    2. A discrete particle, especially a photon.
    3. A tiny piece of anything.
    4. Etymology: from Latin corpusculum, "small body".
    cubicle (s) (noun), cubicles (pl)
    1. Small sleeping compartments; especially, within a dormitory: Irvin was assigned the upper bunk in the small cubicle in the student residence where he lived during the summer.
    2. A small enclosed space available for work or study: Marge was able to rent a small locked cubicle in the library when she was completing her research project.
    3. Small areas set off by walls for special uses: Each social worker had a private cubicle in which to conduct interviews with his or her clients.
    4. A roomlet in which a monk or nun lives: Sister Jean’s cubicle was sparsely furnished with a cot, a chair, and a shelf.
    5. A partitioned area in a room for private use in a larger, more public space inside of a building: There was a private cubicle in the locker room for the members of the swim team in which to change into their swimsuits or their clothes after their sessions of water sport .
    6. Etymology: from Latin cubiculum, "bedroom" and cubare, "to lie down".

    The cubicle became the term for "dormitory sleeping compartment" or sense of "any partitioned space" (such as a library carrel or, later, office work station) was recorded in 1926.

    1. An edge of hard skin at the base of a fingernail or toenail.
    2. The narrow band of epidermis extending from the nail wall onto the nail surface.
    3. A hardened noncellular layer secreted by and covering the epidermis in many invertebrates.
    4. The thin outermost noncellular layer covering the parts of plants that are above the ground and helping to prevent water loss.
    5. Etymology: from Latin cuticula, "little skin".
    1. A small tooth or tooth-shaped projection.
    2. A small tooth-shaped scale with a projecting spine, typical of cartilaginous fish.
    3. Etymology: from Latin denticulus, "small tooth".
    The inner layer of the procuticle in certain crustaceans and arthropods, which is almost entirely composed of protein and chitin.
    The waxy outer layer of the protective body covering cuticle for the exoskeleton of an insect.
    The outer layer of the procuticle of certain crustaceans and arthropods, which contains cuticulin, chitin, and phenolic substances that are oxidized to produce the dark pigment of the cuticle.
    follicle (s), follicles (pl)
    1. A small anatomical bodily cavity, sac, or gland involved in secretion or excretion.
    2. A crypt or minute cul-de-sac or lacuna; such as, the depression in the skin from which the hair emerges.
    3. A spherical mass of cells usually containing a cavity.
    4. A dry, single-chambered fruit that splits along only one seam to release its seeds, as in larkspur and milkweed.
    5. A dry dehiscent fruit developed from a single carpel and containing many seeds; splits along one suture only to release seeds on ripening.
    6. A small bag filled with air.