claustro-, claustr-
(Latin: lock, barrier; to close, to shut; a confined space)
claustral (adjective), more claustral, most claustral
1. Of or related to a cloister or to a seclusion from the world: "The elderly couple lived a claustral life in which they separated from a normal existence in the world."
2. Etymology: from Latin claustrum, "bolt, bar". The Latin claustrum stands for claudtrom and literally means "that by which anything is shut up", and is formed from claudere, "to shut".
2. Etymology: from Latin claustrum, "bolt, bar". The Latin claustrum stands for claudtrom and literally means "that by which anything is shut up", and is formed from claudere, "to shut".
claustrophial (adjective), more claustrophial, most claustrophial
Referring to a space which can only be appreciated by someone who desires to live in small areas: Madeline preferred to live in a claustrophial apartment instead of a large roomy one.
A person who is fond of being in small, enclosed areas: Isaac was a claustorphile who preferred working in a very limited space, or booth, when he was busy with his computer projects.
1. An abnormal desire to be closed in and to shut all windows and doors: "Jack's parents recalled how because of his claustrophilia, Jack always preferred to close himself off from contact with the outside."
2. A pathological desire to be confined and enclosed within a small living area: "Patients who have claustrophilia usually show a predilection or a special preference for introversion and isolation; often with a strong need for solitude and silence."
2. A pathological desire to be confined and enclosed within a small living area: "Patients who have claustrophilia usually show a predilection or a special preference for introversion and isolation; often with a strong need for solitude and silence."
Relating to someone who has a strong preference to be in small places rather than in roomy or spacious areas: Robert was a claustrophilic who definitely wanted to work in enclosed spaces that were big enough for one person so he could do something without other people seeing or hearing him, especially when he was talking on the phone as he discussed technical issues with customers of his company.
An intense horror of being shut up in a relatively small space: There are some people who are overwhelmed with different degrees of claustrophobia, or abnormal panic of being confined in limited or restricted places, such as closets, subways, tunnels, telephone booths, elevators, rooms, caves, aircraft, or other enclosed areas.

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An individual who reacts with severe panic and suffocation when he or she feels hemmed in, or is being trapped and can't get out: There are some claustrophobics who have strong anxieties about being in elevators even for a short time.
As a result of being closed in or cornered to any degree, claustrophobics may have severe panics and physiological symptoms including increased pulse and heart beats.
There are some claustrophobics who feel that they are choking and who have shortness of breath as if something were crushing their chests.

claustrophobic (adjective), more claustrophobic, most claustrophobic
Characteristic of having a morbid fear of being in a confined or restricted space or a small area: "There are claustrophobic anxieties which start when some people feel they are trapped and can't get out of crowded places or away from enclosed places; such as, in elevators or very small rooms."
"Bob apparently developed claustrophobic anxieties when he was a small boy and he accidentally threw his baseball through a window of his house, and then he was locked inside a closet for a few hours as punishment which had an impact on his psychological development."
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