cit-, citat-
(Latin: talk, speak, say; to put into quick motion, to excite, to provoke, to call urgently; to summon, to summon forth, to arouse, to stimulate; used in the sense of "stimulating")
2. A reference to making a person have a strong feeling or enthusiasm for something.
2. A reference to that which causes vascular changes.
The news incited widespread fear and and hatred between the two countries over the killing of the boys.
2. To urge on and to cause someone to act in an angry, harmful, or violent way: The injured victim said he didn't do anything to incite the attacker.The two groups of rival gang members were obviously incited by their leaders to attack each other.
3. Etymology: from Middle French enciter (14th century); from Latin incitare, "to put into rapid motion, to urge, to encourage, to stimulate"; from in-, "on" + citare, "to move, to excite".

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2. An act of urging on, spurring on, or rousing to action: "They were charged by the police with incitement to violence."
2. An instigator or provoker who causes violent or unpleasant actions to take place.
2. A very detailed account or report of something; a narration.
3. A public performance of music or dance; especially, by a solo performer.
2. Material read aloud or recited from memory in public; especially, poetry.
3. The act of listing or reporting something.
4. The oral response by a student to questions about previously taught material.
2. To give a detailed account of an occurrence or an event.
Shelby resuscitated the withered plants on her balcony with water and the leaves regained their natural appearance by the next day.
2. To revive a lack of interest in something: Marilyn resuscitated the members of the project so they would work in harmony and strive to complete the objectives given to them by their executive.
3. Etymology: from an earlier resuscit (about 1375), from Late Latin resuscitationem; from Latin resuscitatus, resuscitare. "to rouse again, to revive"; from re-, "again" + suscitare, "to raise, to revive"; from sub, "(up from) under" + citare, "to summon, to call".

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2. Act of reviving a person and returning him or her to consciousness.
2. Something that resuscitates, as an apparatus that forces oxygen, or a mixture of oxygen, and carbon dioxide into the lungs of a person who has undergone partial asphyxiation.
2. To plead with or to petition a person or group for something.
3. To attempt to draw someone into participating in illegal or immoral acts.
2. Request for a sum of money.
3. An entreaty (earnest or urgent request) addressed to someone of superior status.