chyl-, chylo-, chyli-, chy- +
(Greek (khylos) > Latin (chylus): juice, to pour; pertaining to chyle, the milky fluid consisting of lymph and emulsified fat that is a product of the digestive process)
It refers to a liquid which forms the circulating fluid of some inferior animals.
2. The milky fluid which is absorbed by the lymphatic vessels of the intestine.
3. A fluid consisting of a mixture of lymphatic fluid (lymph) and chylomicrons that has a milky appearance.
The absorbed portion consists of fats in very fine emulsion, like milk; so that these vessels are called lacteals (Latin, for "milk"). This absorbed chkyle mixes with the lymph and is discharged into the thoracic duct, a vessel, which passes up through the chest to open into the jugular vein on the left side of the neck, where the chyle mixes with blood.
elephantiasis is a chronic obstruction of the lymphatics with hypertrophy (swelling) of the skin and subcutaneous tissues (pachyderma); usually affecting dependent areas such as the upper or lower limbs, or external genitalia.
Chylomicrons are found in the blood and lymphatic fluid where they function to transport fat from its port of entry in the intestine to the liver and to adipose (fat) tissue. After a fatty meal, the blood is so full of chylomicrons that it looks milky.
The word chylomicron is made up of chylo-, "milky" + micron, "small"; meaning, "small milky (globules)". Chylomicrons are synthesized (made) in the mucosa (the lining) of the intestine.
This chyl- unit is directly related to the chym- family group.