chthon- +

(Greek: earth, of the earth, soil, dirt)

allochthon (s) (noun), allochthons (pl)
A geological formation not created in the region where it was found: Allochthon takes place when a geological structure is moved to its present location by tectonic forces.

An allochthon is a mass of rock that has been transported a great distance from its original place of deposition, usually by tectonic forces, such as overthrusting or gravity sliding.

Am allochthon can be a rock mass formed somewhere other than its present location and was transported by fault movements, large-scale gravity sliding, or similar processes.

allochthonous (adjective) (not comparable)
Referring to something not native to a particular habitat: Allochthonous rocks or deposits have emigrated or been imported from another environment.

Allochthonous features of a landscape or elements of its geologic structure are those that have been moved to their current position by tectonic forces.

In geology, allochthonous substances in a present site are at a distance from their place of origin.

allochthonous coal (s) (noun) (no pl)
A type of coal formed from accumulated plant material that was transported from its original place of growth and deposited elsewhere: Judy's teacher told his class about allochthonous coal that had been formed from plant substances that accrued from a place far from where the coal was formed.
allochthonous stream (s) (noun), allochthonous streams (pl)
A stream that flows in a channel it did not itself form: Mr. Smart showed his class a photo of a river, or allochthonous stream, rushing along in a man-made or artificial duct.
antichthon (s) (noun), antichthones (pl)
1. A hypothetical Earth which is counter to ours; counter Earth: An antichthon is on the opposite side of the sun.
2. Inhabitants of opposite hemispheres: Jill read about antichthons, an obsolete term for those dwellers of the antipodes.
antichthones (pl) (noun)
In geography, the people who inhabit countries on opposite sides of the Earth: Back in the times of Medieval Europe, it was believed that the Earth was divided into the northern hemisphere and the southern Hemisphere, and those living in one of these two hemispheres considered those living in the other hemisphere to be antichthones.
autochthon (s) (noun), autochthons (pl)
1. The earliest known inhabitants of a place; an aborigine: An autochthon is the earliest known dweller in any country..
2. Someone who is supposed to have risen, or to have sprung, from the ground or the soil he is currently inhabiting; a "son of the soil": One autochthon in Greek mythology was King Erichthonius, a legendary ruler of ancient Athens.
3. That which is original to a particular country, or which had its origin there: The Sequoia sempervirens, the coastal redwood tree, is an autochthon, native to California and Southern Oregon, and is also the tallest tree in the world!
4. Original inhabitants or products: The first humans, or autochthons, lived in California 130,000 years ago.
5. In ecology, an indigenous plant or animal: The California poppy is an autochthon and is native to California, U.S.A.
6. In geology, a geological formation formed in the region where it is found: Granite is a rock that is an autochthon in California.
autochthonal (adjective) (not comparable)
Referring to something native to an area where it is found: The autochthonal faunae of Australia include the kangaroos.
autochthonic (adjective) (not comparable)
A reference to anything that originates where it is found; aboriginal; indigenous: California poppies are considered to be autochthonic and are native to the western United States.
autochthonism (s) (noun) (no pl)
1. The condition of something being found where it originated: Autochthonism describes the circumstance of a people, their folk tales, or even rocks that are native to a certain region.
2. In biology, the state of something originating or formed in the place where it was found: Autochthonism can be a predicament of a blood clot which developed in the spot where it was located.
autochthonous (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Concerning something that originated in the place where it was found: The autochthonous fossil preserved in th exact position when the organism lived was found by the students during the biology expedition.
2. A reference to a disease originating in the part of the body where it was found: The autochthonous tumor was located and examined in Janes's left breast, the exact spot where it had developed.

The doctor told Mary that her heart beat was autochthonous, thus inside her body, and not stimulated by a machine outside her body.
3. In psychology, of or pertaining to ideas that arise independently of the individual's own train of thought and seem instead to have some alien or external agency as their source: Some people suffer from autochthonous disorders such as schizophrenia or from some kind of obsession.

There's an enormous difference between Africa and the Caribbean due to the fact that the Caribbean has no autochthonous population.

All of its people are immigrants, either from the top of the society, the youngest sons, and so forth; or blacks who were brought there through the slave trade. The only autochthonous population, the Caribs, has completely disappeared.

—Quote by Michel Leiris as seen in
"A Conversaton with Michel Leiris" by Sally Price and Jean Jamin in the
Current Antropology, Volume 29, Number 1, February 1988; page 157 by
The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research,
University of Chicago Press.
autochthony (s) (noun), autochthones (pl)
1. The state of nativeness or of natural occurrence; endemism: The status of autochthony or indigenousnes of Virginia's birthplace lies in California because she was born there!

Autochthony can also be described as the nativeness by virtue, or of something originating or occurring naturally (as in a particular place).
2. In biol.ogy, originating or formed in the place where found: The plight of autochthony can also be exemplified by a blood clot which occurred in the area where it was diagnosed.

catachthonian (adjective), more catachthonian, most catachthonian
A reference to something that is subterranean or underground: The catachthonian sewer system of the town is is located under the town itself.
chthon (s) (noun), chthons (pl)
Of the Earth, the Earth: Chthon is a demonic being that foretells the existence of the Scarlet Witch.

One of the Elder Gods of the Earth is a chthon and the first teacher or expert of black magic.

chthonal (adjective), more chthonal, most chthonal
In Greek mythology, referring to the underworld: Sally read a book about chthonal beings dwelling in dark, primitive, and mysterious habitats beneath the surface of the Earth.

Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "land, ground, fields, soil, dirt, mud, clay, earth (world)": agra-; agrest-; agri-; agro-; argill-; choro-; epeiro-; geo-; glob-; lut-; myso-; pedo-; pel-; rhyp-; soil-; sord-; terr-.