(Old English: a prefix meaning before in place, rank, or time; in advance)
Typically a theological term suggesting that the highest church authority has determined all aspects associated with the universe in anticipation of their actual occurrences: Many individuals who adhere to the strict and literal interpretation of spiritual writings believe in the foreordination of everything that happens throughout eternity by God.
foresee (verb), foresees; foresaw; foreseeing
To be aware of or to envision something before it happens: The government officials foresaw a severe famine in the country as a result of having so little rain during the last months.
foreseen (adjective), more foreseen, most foreseen
Pertaining to something that is known beforehand or previously: Joe demonstrated the foreseen knowledge of his skills of mathematics during his entrance exams at the university.
An individual or persons who are able to anticipate events before they happen: The old farmer was considered a well-known foreseer of the weather by all his neighbors.
foreshadow (verb), foreshadows; foreshadowed; foreshadowing
To show or to indicate beforehand: Political upheavals foreshadow difficulties for the current government.
An individual who is a harbinger or announcer of events that may happen: In Charles Dickens’ "A Christmas Carol", the last spirit to visit Scrooge was the foreshadower who warned about future things that would be coming.
foreshow (verb), foreshows; foreshowed; foreshowing
To present in advance: The car salesman foreshowed the new model of a sports car two months before the manufacturer did.
foresight (s) (noun), foresights
The ability to see what will or might happen in the future: In order to go hiking in the mountains, Ted’s and Jane’s foresights made it possible to have a successful trip and to provide for all of the eventualities that could happen on such a trip.

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Carl had the foresight to invest his money in the right companies.

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
foresighted (adjective), more foresighted, most foresighted
Characteristic of a person who is careful and shows thoughts of the future and who takes all things into consideration before making a decision: As a young boy who was a refugee, Abdul was more foresighted than his peers and was determined to get a good education.
The exercise of good judgements when making decisions or taking actions: The financial adviser had the foresightedness to invest Katherine's funds carefully which ensured that she would be wealthy.
forespeak (verb), forespeaks; forespeaking; forespoke
1. To ask for something in advance: Before his mortgage was due, Bob Jones forespoke to the bank manager hoping to borrow enough money to pay the debt.
2. To predict that something will happen: Ted's neighbor was forespeaking when she talked about the upcoming storms and flooding that would take place in her area.
2. To predict that something will happen: Ted's neighbor was forespeaking when she talked about the upcoming storms and flooding that would take place in her area.
forestall (verb), forestalls; forestalled; forestalling
1. To prevent or to obstruct something from happening or to cause it to occur at a later time: The labor negotiations forestalled the strike for at least a year.

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Some health specialists claim that vitamins can forestall many illnesses caused by aging.
2. To act in advance before another person or people can do something: The government forestalled criticism by holding a public enquiry into the political dispute.
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The act of preventing or prohibiting a disagreeable situation from taking place by using advance planning or actions: Harriet moved the ladder away from the edge of the balcony and her decision was the forestalling of a terrible accident.
foretell (verb), foretells; foretold; foretelling
To tell about or to make known any future events in advance; especially, by means of special knowledge: The executive will foretell what the future will be for the company during the next economic report.
foretellable (adjective), more foretellable, most foretellable
Descriptive of that which can be anticipated or described in advance: The dark clouds in the sky were a foretellable feature suggesting a severe storm was about to sweep across the land.