(French: pledge, promise; release, free)
degage, dégagé (day guh ZHAY) (adjective); more degage, more dégagé; most degage, most dégagé
1. Relating to being casual, free and relaxed: The two old friends had a degage meeting again after two months.
2. Characteristic of a nonchalant; calm, composed, or unconcerned feeling or attitude: Joyce was speaking as a candidate for a high political office with a degage ease despite all of the criticisms about her inexperience.
3. Etymology: from French dégager, "to disengage, to release, to free"; from Old French desgagier des-, de-, "from, off, apart, away, down, out, completely" + gage, "pledge" (of Germanic origin).

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2. Characteristic of a nonchalant; calm, composed, or unconcerned feeling or attitude: Joyce was speaking as a candidate for a high political office with a degage ease despite all of the criticisms about her inexperience.
3. Etymology: from French dégager, "to disengage, to release, to free"; from Old French desgagier des-, de-, "from, off, apart, away, down, out, completely" + gage, "pledge" (of Germanic origin).

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disengage (verb), disengages; disengaged; disengaging
1. To release from something that holds together, connects, or entangles: When the mechanic disengages certain parts in an automobile, it won't function until it is replaced.
2. To free oneself from a task, a pledge, or an obligation: After being elected, some politicians disengage themselves from issues they promised to fulfill.
3. To choose or to detach oneself from something; to withdraw or to leave: The father disengaged his hand from that of his little son after he fell asleep.
2. To free oneself from a task, a pledge, or an obligation: After being elected, some politicians disengage themselves from issues they promised to fulfill.
3. To choose or to detach oneself from something; to withdraw or to leave: The father disengaged his hand from that of his little son after he fell asleep.
disengaged (adjective), more disengaged, most disengaged
Relating to a disconnection from something or someone or no longer to be involved in a situation or difficulty: The two dancers moved together in a series of quick movements before they had a disengaged sequence of entertaining motions.
An act of being released or disconnected with a detachment from a physical situation or involvement: The President has been experiencing some disengagements from his flip-flopping policies even by members of his own political party.
engage (verb), engages; engaged; engaging
1. To hire someone to perform a particular service: Mr. Williams was engaged as a tutor of mathematics for Mary's son.
2. To pay for help, assistance, etc.: Brad's father suggested that he engage a lawyer for legal advice.
3. To get and to keep the attention, interest, etc. of others: The politician is able to engage audiences about how he can improve the economic situation for his country.
4. To move a mechanism or part of a machine so it fits into another one: The owner of the car engaged the clutch and drove away; in other words, when he released the clutch, the gears were engaged.
5. Etymology: borrowed from Middle French engagier from Old French en gage, "pledge"; from en, "make" + gage, "pledge".
2. To pay for help, assistance, etc.: Brad's father suggested that he engage a lawyer for legal advice.
3. To get and to keep the attention, interest, etc. of others: The politician is able to engage audiences about how he can improve the economic situation for his country.
4. To move a mechanism or part of a machine so it fits into another one: The owner of the car engaged the clutch and drove away; in other words, when he released the clutch, the gears were engaged.
5. Etymology: borrowed from Middle French engagier from Old French en gage, "pledge"; from en, "make" + gage, "pledge".
engaged (adjective), more engaged, most engaged
1. A reference someone who is chosen to be married: Jack and Jill recently became an engaged couple when he asked her if she would be his wife.
2. Pertaining to an individual who is busy or is involved in an activity: Manfred is an engaged tutor who works with people who want to expand their vocabulary skills.
2. Pertaining to an individual who is busy or is involved in an activity: Manfred is an engaged tutor who works with people who want to expand their vocabulary skills.
1. An appointment, commitment, or arrangement: Roger has a luncheon engagement with his colleague Henry.
2. A betrothal or marriage contract: James and Melissa announced their engagement and wedding date at the party.
3. An employment or professional presentation: As a vocalist, Joyce had an engagement to sing at the celebration of the newly elected leader of her country.
4.A battle, an encounter, a combat: General Williams and his soldiers had won four engagements against the terrorists.
2. A betrothal or marriage contract: James and Melissa announced their engagement and wedding date at the party.
3. An employment or professional presentation: As a vocalist, Joyce had an engagement to sing at the celebration of the newly elected leader of her country.
4.A battle, an encounter, a combat: General Williams and his soldiers had won four engagements against the terrorists.
engaging (en GAY jing) (adjective), more engaging, most engaging
Descriptive of a person who tends to attract favorable attention; winning praise; attractive: Caroline's engaging personality and beauty has won her many compliments wherever she goes.

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engagingly (adverb), more engagingly, most engagingly
Conveying how a commitment to meet someone for a service is accomplished: George was engagingly fulfilling his promise to drive his wife to the doctor for a medical examination.
The quality of being attractive: People are always impressed by the engagingness of Sharon's looks, manners and behaviors.
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