Nine Planets Orbiting the Sun
(Apollo, the sun god, and the planets with links to additional details about the sun and each planet)
The planets are illustrated below and links are available for more details about their Greek and Latin myths, symbolisms, and scientific information.

Just click on the image of your choice for further details about each planet.

Apollo, the Sun god, and the center of our solar-planetary system.

Mercury, messenger of the Roman gods (first planet from the sun).

Venus, goddess of love and beauty, springtime, and flowers (second planet from the sun).

Gaea, Earth goddess (ancient Greeks thought of her as Terra Mater) Earth Mother (third planet from the sun).

Diana, or Luna, Roman goddess of the Moon, animals, and hunting (earth’s moon).

Mars, Roman god of war (fourth planet from the sun).

Jupiter, King of the Roman gods (fifth planet from the sun).

Saturn, god of harvest or time of reaping (sixth planet from the sun).

Uranus, father of Saturn and grandfather of Jupiter (seventh planet the sun).

Neptune, Roman god of the sea (eighth planet from the sun).

Pluto, Greek god of wealth, ruled the dark underworld of myth (ninth planet from the sun).
Here is additional information about the Planets in motion.