palir-, pallere-
(Latin: grow pale, make pale; dismay, horrify)
appall (verb), appalls; appalled; appalling
1. To greatly horrify or dismay: The jump in the prices of gasoline appalled Max when he went to refill his car today.
2. To fill with consternation: It will appall James if he has to drop out of his university studies before he can get his degree.
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2. To fill with consternation: It will appall James if he has to drop out of his university studies before he can get his degree.

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appalled (adjective), more appalled, most appalled
Being struck with dread or fear: Dennis looked at his sister with an appalled look because she was so upset by the fire in her apartment.
appalling (adjective), more appalling, most appalling
Awful and terrible: The appalling language of the government official during the radio talk-show interview shocked listeners.
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appallingly (adverb), more appallingly, most appallingly
Frightfully or very badly disturbing: The roads were in appallingly poor condition after the severe rain storms.
A mental health condition of depression caused by severe dismay or puzzlement: The doctor diagnosed Marla's depression as an appallment that was caused by the shock of the fire burning her house down.
pall (verb), palls; palled; palling
1. To become dull or to be no longer enjoyable or interesting: Adam found that his retirement hobbies palled after a few months.

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Tom's party was starting to pall, so many of the visitors just left and went home.
2. To lessen or to fade: There are some countries that are palling with their interest in trading with the U.S. because of the Trump sanctions.
3. Etymology: from Middle English pallen, "to become faint, to fail in strength."

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pallid (adjective), more pallid, most pallid
1. A reference to having an unhealthy pale complexion and weakness: When Peggy left the hospital after her operation, she was very pallid.
2. Lacking color, spirit, or intensity: The artist captured Cara's pallid complexion and personality perfectly in the water color portrait.
2. Lacking color, spirit, or intensity: The artist captured Cara's pallid complexion and personality perfectly in the water color portrait.
Lacking color or being pale in complexion: The pallidity of Mildred's complexion appeared to be caused by her prolonged illness and hospitalization.
pallidly (adverb), more pallidly, most pallidly
In a manner suggestive of being unusually pale, dull, or listless: Ted's students unfortunately put on a pallidly presented production of a comedy which was not funny at all.
Paleness, wanness, lacking in typical color: Reba's pallidness was accentuated by the vividly red dress she was wearing.
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