(Greek > Latin: the art of speaking and reasoning)
2. Basic principles of reasoning developed by and which are applicable to any field of knowledge: The researchers, Mr. Jones and Mr. Smith, followed the standards set up by the logic of their scientific administers.
3. An effective or convincing force: The logic of Sandra's arguments could not be reasonably challenged.
4. A system of thought or ideas that govern conduct, belief, behavior, etc.: There are currently protestors who are against what they consider to be the logic of some businesses.
5. A system or set of principles that are the basics in a computer or electronic device that perform specified tasks: Chris, the programmer, utilized certain logics so the computer would automatically function to accomplish specific results.
Logic is also used to describe the science that deals with the creation of computer circuits.
6. The non-arithmetical operations in a computer; such as, comparing, selecting, matching, and sorting, where binary or yes-or-no decisions are involved: Data processing usually means the handling of information by arithmetic rules; however in more complex machines, there is the performance of logic operations of "and", "not", and "or".Logic is any process of reasoning that shows you are right.
When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion, creatures bristling with prejudice and motivated by pride and vanity.
Politeness is better than logic. You can often persuade when you cannot convince.
2. A reference to that which is consistent with the points of rationalization: Dr. Cliff's presentation made it easier for her students to come to a logical conclusion regarding the results of the research.
3. Characterized by clear argumentation: George wrote a logical report regarding the project he and his colleagues were working on.
In order to keep one's car running well, a logical decision must be made to have it serviced by reliable mechanics.
Logical is believing that you owe the doctor nothing when he finds nothing wrong with you.
The politician couldn't logically explain why he was not running for office this time.
2. Using good or rational conceptualization: Shareen was logically coming up with the best solutions for deciding which university she would attend.A logician is a person who thinks nothing of thinking or who always has a reason for a reason.
Joyce was responsible for the logistics of the camping trip that her family would be taking next month.
2. A branch of military science that involves the details of moving, evacuating, and supplying armies: Efficient logistics is the essential element to a successful military campaign.3. Etymology: this term, logistics, is NOT related to the other entries in this unit meaning "reasoning" but to French logistique from logis, "quarters, lodge"; although there is usually a certain amount of "reasoning" which is necessary to accomplish any objectives that a person desires.