
(Greek: ektasis; dilated, expanded, distended, extension +)

Prolapse of the iris through a wound or incision.
Enlargement of a lymph node.
phlebectasia, phlebectasis
1. A chronic dilation of veins.
2. Varicosity (distended, swollen, knotted veins).
Spontaneous or surgical dilatation of one or both salivary ducts.
sialectasia, sialectasis
Fusiform dilation of the minor ducts of the salivary glands indicative of and consequent to chronic infection.
Dilatation of the salivary ducts.
telangiectasis, telangiectasia
1. A chronic dilatation of the capillaries and other small blood vessels.
2. Chronic dilation of groups of capillaries causing elevated dark red blotches on the skin.