
(Latin: fames, hunger, starvation)

Hungry; serving to allay hunger.
1. A serious lack of food that continues for a long time and causes many people in a country to become sick or die.
2. A severe shortage of food; such as, through crop failure, resulting in violent hunger, starvation, and death.

Natural causes of famine include drought, flooding, unfavorable weather conditions, plant diseases, and insect infestations while the human cause is war; plus, overpopulation, bad distribution systems, and excessively high food prices.

3. A severe or drastic shortage of something; a dearth or a synonym for "ravenous" or a shortage or scarcity of something: "There is a famine or dearth of information on this subject."

"There is a famine (acute shortage, deficiency, or short supply) of executive talent in this industry."

4. Etymology: from Old French famine, "hunger", from Vulgar Latin famina, which came from Latin fames, "hunger, starvation".
famish, famishes, famishing, famished
1. To cause to endure severe hunger.
2. To cause to starve to death.
3. To endure severe deprivation; especially, of food.
4. To undergo starvation and to die.
5. The discomfort, weakness, or pain caused by a prolonged lack of food.

"Her daughter said she was famished, or eager, for food because she missed her lunch."

6. Etymology: from about A.D. 1400, famyschen, famen from Old French afamer, from Vulgar Latin affamare, "to bring to hunger", from ad famem; from Latin fames, "hunger".
famished (adjective)
A descriptive term for being extremely hungry: "After such a long walk in the mountains, they were tired and famished for food and sleep."

"The famished victims of the earthquake ate the meager food supplies that were left."