veget-, vege-
(Latin: animating, enlivening; vigorous, vigor, active; to be alive, activity, to quicken; then a quickening action of growing; a specific sense of "plant cultivated for food, edible herb, or root" is first recorded in 1767; the differences between the meanings from its original links with "life, liveliness" was completed in the early twentieth century, when vegetable came to be used for an "inactive person".)
1. In a rain forest, those isolated species which protrude above the major portion of the forest canopy.
2. Aquatic plants, as cattails and sedges, that protrude or extend above the surface of a pond.
2. Aquatic plants, as cattails and sedges, that protrude or extend above the surface of a pond.
A practice based on indications that animal-based industries are physically destructive or biological systems: The primary environmental veganisms involve concerns about animal products are polluting the air, including greenhouse gas emissions; including greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and the use of resources; such as, fossil fuels, water, and land degradation, energy use, and deforestation.
1. Anyone who lives on a mixed diet of milk and milk products, eggs, and vegetables, but stays away from or avoids meat.
2. Someone who eats vegetables, grains, fruit, nuts, and milk products; but not animal flesh.
2. Someone who eats vegetables, grains, fruit, nuts, and milk products; but not animal flesh.
A vegetarian who eats eggs and dairy products, but no products that involve the killing of animals.
A meatless person who besides foods of vegetable origin will also consume eggs, but not milk or milk products.
Anyone who will not consume any food of animal origin: A vegan eats plant products only; especially, someone who uses no products derived from animals including cheese, meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, or even manufactured articles; such as, fur or leather products.
The consumption of a diet devoid of all zoologicall origins or matter.
1. A plant with edible parts or any plant whose fruit, seeds, roots, tubers, bulbs, stems, leaves, or flower parts are used as food; such as, the tomato, bean, beet, potato, onion, asparagus, spinach, or cauliflower.
2. A member of the plant kingdom or vegetable kingdom.
3. A term which is used to describe someone in whom the usual mental and physical functions are severely reduced or absent, often as a result of injury to the brain; in a vegetative state.
4. Someone who is regarded as lacking in vitality, alertness, or drive.
5. Etymology: "living and growing as a plant", from Old French "living, fit to live", from Medieval Latin vegetabilis, "growing, flourishing", from Late Latin vegertabilis, "animating, enlivening", from Latin vegertare, "to enliven", from vegetus, "vigorous, active", form vegere, "to be alive, to be active, to quicken".
2. A member of the plant kingdom or vegetable kingdom.
3. A term which is used to describe someone in whom the usual mental and physical functions are severely reduced or absent, often as a result of injury to the brain; in a vegetative state.
4. Someone who is regarded as lacking in vitality, alertness, or drive.
5. Etymology: "living and growing as a plant", from Old French "living, fit to live", from Medieval Latin vegetabilis, "growing, flourishing", from Late Latin vegertabilis, "animating, enlivening", from Latin vegertare, "to enliven", from vegetus, "vigorous, active", form vegere, "to be alive, to be active, to quicken".
In 1582, it was recorded for the first time that the adjective use of vegetable became familiar to English, "having to do with plants".
In a work of the same date appears the first instance of vegetable as a noun, meaning "a plant".
It was not until the 18th century that the noun and adjective were used more restrictively to refer specifically to certain kinds of plants that are eaten.
Any textile, or elements, of vegetable origin, including cotton, flax, hemp, jute, sisal, etc.
The hard, white endosperm tissue of the ivory nut, used in making buttons and for decorative purposes.
A division of living things consisting of botanical growth; especially, in contrast with the animal and mineral kingdoms: The botanist, Mr. Lange, explained how the plant kingdoms differ from zoology and the natural use of soil substances.
Any oil, often edible, which is extracted from the seeds, fruit, or nuts of a plant: Vegetable oils are used in foods, as drying oils in paints, as rubber softening agents, and as pesticide carriers.
A strong, grease-resistant and water-resistant paper made from a waterleaf base and used in packaging.
Leather which utilizes plant extracts which occur naturally in the bark and leaves of many plants.
A waxy substance of vegetable origin, composed of fatty acids in combination with higher alcohols; instead of glycerin, as in fats and oils; and includes Japan wax, jojoba oil, candelila, and carnauba wax.
Showing page 1 out of 2 pages of 29 main-word entries or main-word-entry groups.