(s) (noun) (no plural)
Congenital absence of head and hands; a condition that is acquired during fetal development and present at birth: At the university, research was being conducted about those who have acephalochiria conditions.
acheiral, achiral
(adjective) (not comparable)
A description of a molecule that has neither a left-handed nor a right-handed configuration: An achiral molecule is superimposable on its mirror image, but not chiral.
acheiria, achiria
1. Congenital absence of the hands.
2. Anaesthesia in which there is a loss of the sense of possession of, one or both hands; a condition sometimes noted in hysteria.
3. Lacking hands; also, loss of sensation, total anesthesia, or a feeling of absence of the hands; sometimes a hysterical symptom.
4. A form of dyscheiria in which the patient is unable to tell on which side of the body a stimulus has been applied.
acheiropodia, achiropodia
1. Congenital absence of hands and feet.
2. A congenital (medical condition that is present at birth) defect which consists of bilateral congenital amputations of the upper and lower extremities (hands and feet), as well as
aplasia of the hands and feet.
Aplasia is a defective development resulting in the absence of all or part of an organ or tissue.
An individual who exhibits acheiria.
1. A congenital absence of one or both hands.
2. A lack of feeling of the hands or a feeling of their absence, sometimes occurring in conversion disorder.
allocheiral, allochiral
(s) (adjective) (not comparable)
Referring to a situation in which a sensation or stimulus is perceived at a point on the body that is remote or away from the point that was stimulated: When Dr. Smart touched Tom's foot, Tom felt a pain in his right arm instead, and Dr. Smart said he had an allocheiral condition.
allocheiria, allochiria
(s) (noun) (no pl)
1. Dyschiria in which, if one extremity is stimulated, the sensation is "felt" on the opposite side:
Allochiria> is a condition associated with a central nervous lesion in which a sensation is referred to a location on the side of the body opposite to the place on which the skin is stimulated.
Allochiria is a form of "allachesthesia" in which the sensation of a stimulus in one limb is referred to the contralateral (opposite side) limb.
Allochiria is a condition in which a sensation or stimulus is perceived at a point on the body that is remote from the point that was stimulated and seen in tabes dorsalis and other conditions. Also called: allachesthesia, allesthesia.
Relating to the disorder in which a patient responds to a stimulus felt on one side of the body although it wass induced on the opposite side: Dr. Jones told Jane that she had an allochiral condition because her right hand hurt although he only pricked her left hand.
atelocheiria, atelochiria
1. The imperfect development of a hand or hands.
2. A faulty development of the hand.
brachycheirous, brachychirous
Having an abnormal shortness of fingers or hands in general.
cheiragra, chiragra
(s) (noun) (no pl)
Pain in the hand: Because Greg's left hand was so painful, he went to see his doctor who said that he had had chiragra, or in other words, a form of gout in his left hand, especially in the joints of his hand.
Pertaining to an asymmetrical shape: A
chiral molecule cannot be placed on top of its mirror image.
The chiral characteristic of a molecule makes it impossible to superimpose it on its mirror image.
cheiralgia, chiralgia
(s) (noun) (no pl)
Non-traumatic or neuralgic pain in the hand: Mrs. Edwards thought she might have gout or
chiralgia affecting her hand and fingers because they certainly hurt!
Cheiralgia paresthetica refers to compression neuropathy of the superficial branch of the radial nerve, marked by pain and paresthesae when pressure is applied over the course of the nerve.
"Paresthesa" (paresthesiae, plural) indicates any sensation, such as pins and needles, burning, sticking of sharp objects, etc., which occurs spontaneously without external causes in certain diseases of the central or perpheral nervous system.
cheirality, chirality
1. The chemical version of left-handed and right-handed.
2. While some molecules have the same atoms tied up in the same way, they are not physically the same because of their orientation.
3. The property possessed by an object; that is, a molecule, if it differs from its mirror image.
Such a chemical is called a chiral compound, and the two (or more) forms are called enantiomers (or optical isomers) of each other. Nearly all of the molecules that make up living systems are chiral.