cheiro-, cheir-, chiro-, chir-, -cheiria, -chiria +

(Greek: hand; pertaining to the hand or hands)

One who treats diseases of the hands and feet; now usually restricted to one who treats corns and bunions.
A treatise on corns, warts, defective nails, etc., on feet or hands.
chiropody, chiropodous
The art of treating corns, warts, defective nails, etc., on feet or hands; especially, corn cutting.
chiropterophilia (s) (noun), chiropterophilias (pl)
A fondness or love of bats: Despite the fear or dislike that some people have for these night-flying mammals, there are also chiropterophilia who have an affection and high regard them.
chiropterophilous (adjective), more chiropterophilous, most chiropterophilous
In biology, a reference to plants pollinated by chiropteras: The chiropterophilous eucalyptus, banana, and agave plants can be pollinated by bats as they transfer pollen from the anthers to the stigmas while they are licking the nectar in the flowers.
chiroxylography (s) (noun), chiroxylographies (pl)
A manuscript which is added to a block book in which the illustrations are printed from woodcuts.

Block books, also called xylographica or chiroxylographies, are short books of up to 50 leaves, block printed in Europe in the second half of the 15th century as woodcuts with blocks carved to include both text and illustrations.

The content of the books was nearly always religious, aimed at a popular audience, and a few titles were often reprinted in several editions using new woodcuts.

Although many had believed that block books preceded Gutenberg's invention of movable type in the first part of the 1450s, it now is believed that most of the surviving block books were printed in the 1460s or later, and that the earliest surviving examples may date to about 1451.

Chiroxylographies seem to have functioned as a cheap popular alternative to the typeset book, which was still very expensive at this time.

Single-leaf woodcuts of chiroxylographies from the preceding decades often included passages of text with prayers, indulgences and other material; the block book was an extension of this form.

Block books or chiroxylographies are very rare and there are apparently some editions surviving only in fragments, and many probably not surviving at all.

A former term for "surgeon".
1. A former term for "surgery".
2. Literally, "hand work".
3. The branch of medicine that is concerned with treating disease, a physical disorder, or injury by cutting into the patient's body to operate directly on or to remove the affected part.

Surgery; from the Greek cheirourgia meaning "hand work", is the medical specialty that treats diseases or injuries with manual operations and instrumental treatments. Surgeons may be physicians, dentists, or veterinarians who specialize in surgery.

1. A former term for "surgical".
2. Literally, "hand work".
dyscheiria, dyschiria
1. The inability to tell which side of the body has been touched.
2. A disorder of sensibility in which, although there is no apparent loss of sensation, the patient is unable to tell which side of the body has been touched (acheiria), or refers it to the wrong side (allocheiria), or to both sides (syncheiria).
dyscheirography, dyschirography
A handwriting disorder which usually reflects a mental or physical disease.
The same meaning as ectrocheiry.
encheiridion, enchiridion
A handbook or manual; a concise treatise serving as a guide or for reference.
esthetic surgery (s) (noun), esthetic surgeries (pl)
A medical procedure that is performed to improve, to preserve, or to restore a person's appearance: Janine's cousin wanted to have esthetic surgery performed to enhance the shape of her nose.
heterochiral, heterocheiral (adjective) (not comparable)
Referring to an identical form but with lateral inversion: Heterochiral formations or matching appearances can be exemplified by the right and left hands.

A heterochiral or reversed image, like a mirror image, pertains to the right and left sides, but otherwise the same in form and size, such as the feet of a person.

A heterochiral form is the opposite of a homochiral form.