vane-, vani-
(Latin: to vanish, to disappear, to fade, to become empty)
evanescent (adjective), more evanescent, most evanescent
1. Pertaining to vanishing, tending to vanish or likely to vanish; like vapor.
2. Descriptive of fading away; fleeting.
3. Referring to a tendency of becoming unseen or lacking understanding.

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2. Descriptive of fading away; fleeting.
3. Referring to a tendency of becoming unseen or lacking understanding.

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evanish (verb), evanishes; evanished; evanishing
1. To vanish; to disappear.
2. To cease to be.
3. To escape from sight or perception.
2. To cease to be.
3. To escape from sight or perception.
Vanish is more generally used than evanish.
vain (adjective), more vain, most vain
1. Referring to something that is not yielding the desired outcome; fruitless; such as, a vain attempt.
2. Relating to the lack of any worth; for example, vain talk.
3. Excessively proud of one's appearance or accomplishments; conceited.
4. Etymology: "devoid of real value, idle, unprofitable", from Old French vein, "worthless"; from Latin vanus, "idle, empty", Latin vacare, "to be empty"; vastus, "empty, waste". The meaning "conceited" was first recorded in 1692, from the earlier sense of "silly, idle, foolish" (1390).
2. Relating to the lack of any worth; for example, vain talk.
3. Excessively proud of one's appearance or accomplishments; conceited.
4. Etymology: "devoid of real value, idle, unprofitable", from Old French vein, "worthless"; from Latin vanus, "idle, empty", Latin vacare, "to be empty"; vastus, "empty, waste". The meaning "conceited" was first recorded in 1692, from the earlier sense of "silly, idle, foolish" (1390).
vainglorious (adjective), more vainglorious, most vainglorious
1. Pertaining to anyone who is excessively proud or boastful of his or her achievements: James was a vainglorious athlete who bragged about his basketball talents whenever he was interviewed on TV or the radio.
2. Relating to a feeling of self-importance: Janet was a vainglorious celebrity who appeared on many TV programs because she was always presented as the best actress in the world.

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2. Relating to a feeling of self-importance: Janet was a vainglorious celebrity who appeared on many TV programs because she was always presented as the best actress in the world.

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vaingloriously (adverb), more vaingloriously, most vaingloriously
A reference to someone who has or shows too much pride in his or her abilities or achievements.
Someone who is characterized as presenting excessive boastfulness.
1. Outspoken conceit.
2. Excessive pride in or boastfulness about personal abilities or achievements.
3. Excessive elation or pride over one's own achievements, abilities, etc.; boastful vanity.
2. Empty pomp or show.
2. Excessive pride in or boastfulness about personal abilities or achievements.
3. Excessive elation or pride over one's own achievements, abilities, etc.; boastful vanity.
2. Empty pomp or show.
vanish (verb), vanishes; vanished; vanishing
1. To pass out of sight, especially quickly; to disappear.
2. To pass out of existence.
3. In mathematics, to become zero; used as a function or a variable.
2. To pass out of existence.
3. In mathematics, to become zero; used as a function or a variable.
vanished (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Having passed out of existence.
2. A reference to a person or something that is no longer present or is not existing.
2. A reference to a person or something that is no longer present or is not existing.
1. Something that is beginning to disappear.
2. A sudden or mysterious disappearance.
4. That which is quickly going away and passing out of sight.
2. A sudden or mysterious disappearance.
4. That which is quickly going away and passing out of sight.
Someone or something that passes out of sight; especially, very quickly; a disappearance.
1. Excessive pride in one's appearance, qualities, abilities, achievements, etc.; character or quality of being vain; conceit: The failure of being elected was a great blow to the politician's vanity.
2. A lack of real value; hollowness; worthlessness: Marge's cousin is experiencing the vanity of a homeless person who cannot find a job.
3. Something that is worthless, trivial, or pointless: The preacher's sermon was about the vanity of collecting worldly goods instead of focusing on a more spiritual life.
4. A wide, counter-like shelf containing a wash basin that is often equipped with shelves, drawers, etc., underneath: Mike hired a carpenter to put a new vanity in his bathroom which would include a cabinet built below or around a bathroom sink, primarily to hide exposed pipes.

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2. A lack of real value; hollowness; worthlessness: Marge's cousin is experiencing the vanity of a homeless person who cannot find a job.
3. Something that is worthless, trivial, or pointless: The preacher's sermon was about the vanity of collecting worldly goods instead of focusing on a more spiritual life.
4. A wide, counter-like shelf containing a wash basin that is often equipped with shelves, drawers, etc., underneath: Mike hired a carpenter to put a new vanity in his bathroom which would include a cabinet built below or around a bathroom sink, primarily to hide exposed pipes.

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vaunt (verb), vaunts; vaunted; vaunting
1. To speak boastfully of oneself or to brag about something: Larry often vaunts about the wealth he has achieved as a basketball player.
2. To talk about one's achievements in a self-praising way: Janice vaunts about being an honor student with the highest grade average in the history of the high school despite her family's poor economic situation.
3. Etymology: from Middle French vanter, "to praise, to speak highly of", from Late Latin vanitare, "to boast"; of Latin vanare, "to utter empty words"; from vanus, "idle, empty".

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2. To talk about one's achievements in a self-praising way: Janice vaunts about being an honor student with the highest grade average in the history of the high school despite her family's poor economic situation.
3. Etymology: from Middle French vanter, "to praise, to speak highly of", from Late Latin vanitare, "to boast"; of Latin vanare, "to utter empty words"; from vanus, "idle, empty".

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vaunted (adjective), more vaunted, most vaunted
Pertaining to being highly praised or glorified and admired: "The vaunted university has a record for educating and training students with the best educational skills available."
A very boastful and talkative person.
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