cervi-, cerv-

(Latin: deer)

cervanthropy (s) (noun), cervanthropies (pl)
A form of insanity when people think they are wild deer or male deers.
cervicaprine (s) (noun), cervicaprines (pl)
The Indian antelope, or Antilope bezoartica, or Antilopa Cervicapra: The cervicaprine is noted for its beauty and swiftness. It has long, spiral, divergent horns.

The cervicaprine is about two and a half feet in height, of a reddish-brown color, with a white stomach and feet, has long naked ears, and a short, erect tail. The horns are black, about twelve inches long, and bent like a lyre.

The cervicaprines inhabit Barbary, Egypt, Arabia, and Syria, and are about half the size of a fallow deer. They live in large flocks, are easily tamed, although they are naturally very timid, and the flesh is considered to be excellent food.

The killing of deer.
cervisial (adjective), more cervisia, most cervisia
Referring to or like beer: There were a few cervisial beverages on the menu along with several kinds of wine from the region.