English and Its Historical Development, Part 03
(The Romans invaded Britain and ruled the Celts from A.D. 43-410)

Julius Caesar paid a visit to Britain in 55 B.C.
In the summer of 55 B.C., Julius Caesar, having completed the conquest of Gaul, decided to invade Britain. His objective is not known for certain; however, it is believed by some scholars that he wanted to discourage the Celts of Britain from going to the assistance of their kinsmen in Gaul, should those conquered Celts want to throw off Roman control.
The expedition in 55 B.C. almost ended disastrously
The expedition this year almost ended disastrously, and his return the following year was not a great success.
The resistance of the natives was unexpectedly spirited. It was with difficulty that he effected a landing and he made little headway.
Even when he invaded the island the following summer, after much better preparations, following a few encounters with the natives, he was only able to establish himself in the southeast.
Caesar had by no means struck terror into the hearts of the Celts, and Britain was not again troubled by the Romans for nearly a hundred years.
It was in A.D. 43 that the Emperor Claudius decided to undertake the actual conquest of Britain
With the knowledge of Caesar's experiences behind him, Claudius did not underestimate the difficulty of the task.
Accordingly, an army of 40,000 men was sent to Britain and within three years the Romans had subjugated the tribes of the central and southeastern regions.
Later campaigns soon brought almost all of what is now England under Roman rule. The progress of Roman control was not without interruptions.
Proceed to Part 4, Romans had to fight Celts many times.
INDEX or Table of Contents, English and its historical development.
References: sources of information.