centi-, cent-

(Latin: hundred; a decimal prefix used in the international metric system for measurements)

This prefix is used in the metric [decimal] system as, one-hundredth [U.S.] and hundredth [U.K.], and denotes 1/100th of a unit or 10-2 [0.01]. The metric symbol for centi- is c.

1. A 300th anniversary or its celebration.
2. The three-hundredth anniversary of an event; tricentennial. 2006 was the tercentennial of Benajmin Franklin's birth.
A person who is three-hundred years old.
1. Relating to or completing a period of 300 years.
2. A space of 300 hundred years.
3. A reference to 300 years or a period of 300 years.
4. A tercentenary event or celebration.

Related "metric" families: yotta; zetta; exa; peta; tera; giga; mega; kilo; hecto; deka; deci; milli; micro; nano; pico; femto; atto; zepto; yocto.