ceno-, caeno-, keno-, ken-; -cenosis
(Greek: empty; removal [medical discharge or evacuation])
2. Etymology: from Greek kenotaphion; from kenos, "empty + taphos, "tomb".
In Christian theology, kenosis is the concept of the "self-emptying" of one's own will and becoming entirely receptive to God and His perfect will. It is used both as an explanation of the incarnation and an indication of the nature of God's activity and condescension.
The doctrine of kenosis attempts to explain what the Son of God chose to give up in terms of His divine attributes, or divinity, in order to assume human nature.
Since Jesus is simultaneously fully human and fully divine, kenosis explains that these changes were temporarily presented by God in His incarnation, and that when Jesus ascended back into heaven following His resurrection, He regained all of His original divinity.
2. Etymology: from Greek kenōsis, "an emptying"; from heauton ekenōse, "emptied himself".According to the kenotic theory, when the Son of God was incarnated as Jesus of Nazareth, He "emptied himself" of some of His divine attributes; such as, omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence and lived for a period of time on Earth within the limitations of human existence.
The kenotic theory is an attempt to understand how Jesus could be both fully human and divine and it involves all of Jesus' human limitations without diminishing the reality of His deity.