oti-, otio-
(Latin: leisure, at leisure; at ease; idle)
A situation that is transferable with a signature: Sam was told to keep his financial bonds in a safe place because their negotiabilities could be cashed in by anyone who got access to them.
negotiable (adjective), more negotiable, most negotiable
1. Referring to something that is not fixed but which can be established or changed with bargaining and compromises: James was trying to arrange a negotiable salary agreement based on his education and experience.
2. Capable of being traversed, dealt with, or accomplished: Pete had to drive on a difficult but negotiable road before he could reach his destination.
2. Capable of being traversed, dealt with, or accomplished: Pete had to drive on a difficult but negotiable road before he could reach his destination.
negotiate (verb), negotiates; negotiated; negotiating
1. To attempt to come to an agreement on something through discussion and compromise: Greg wanted to negotiate with his mother by doing more chores for a raise in his allowance!
2. To manage to get past or to deal with something that constitutes a hazard or obstacle: Karen said that they could negotiate the river with a small boat after the wind had calmed down.
3. To transfer ownership of a financial instrument: To negotiate such a check or security to someone else in exchange for a payment can be accomplished at a bank.
4. Etymology: ultimately from Latin negotium, literally, "lack of leisure"' formed from neg, "not" + otium, "leisure".
2. To manage to get past or to deal with something that constitutes a hazard or obstacle: Karen said that they could negotiate the river with a small boat after the wind had calmed down.
3. To transfer ownership of a financial instrument: To negotiate such a check or security to someone else in exchange for a payment can be accomplished at a bank.
4. Etymology: ultimately from Latin negotium, literally, "lack of leisure"' formed from neg, "not" + otium, "leisure".
The meaning is based on the saying: neg otium est, "There is no leisure."
1. The reaching of agreement through discussions and compromises.
2. The tackling of a hazard or problem.
3. Discussion sessions or one or more meetings at which attempts are made to reach an agreement through discussion and compromise.
4. The mutual discussion and arrangement of the terms of a transaction or agreement.
5. Etymology: from Latin negotiationem, negotiatio, "business, traffic"; from Latin negotiatus, negotiari, "to carry on business"; from negotium, "business"; literally, "lack of leisure"; from neg-, "not" + otium, "ease, leisure".
2. The tackling of a hazard or problem.
3. Discussion sessions or one or more meetings at which attempts are made to reach an agreement through discussion and compromise.
4. The mutual discussion and arrangement of the terms of a transaction or agreement.
5. Etymology: from Latin negotiationem, negotiatio, "business, traffic"; from Latin negotiatus, negotiari, "to carry on business"; from negotium, "business"; literally, "lack of leisure"; from neg-, "not" + otium, "ease, leisure".
The shift from "doing business" to "bargaining" about anything took place in Latin.
A woman who tries to reach and agreement in a formal way: Jo Ann was a lawyer who served as a negotiatrix for her father's business in order to settle any conflicts that might arise with other companies.
non-negotiable (adjective) (not comparable)
Something that cannot be changed by discussion: Ted was told that if he signs the contract, the terms would be non-negotiable; so, he had better be sure that he understands the legal limits before he commits himself to it.
otiose (adjective), more otiose, most otiose
1. A reference to something with no practical function or purpose: Albert thought the steak knives on the table during dinner were otiose silverware because he and his family were eating a vegetarian meal, not meat!
2. Worthless, unimportant, useless; ineffectual: It was certainly otiose for Sally to ask Tom to go with her to the opera because he didn't like to listen to this kind music!
3. Characteristic of being at leisure or rest; lazy; idle, inactive: Since Rob worked hard in his garden on Tuesday, he decided to be an otiose guy on Wednesday and just relax and read his favorite book.
4. Etymology: "unfruitful, futile"; from Latin otiosus, "having leisure or ease, not busy", from otium, "leisure".

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2. Worthless, unimportant, useless; ineffectual: It was certainly otiose for Sally to ask Tom to go with her to the opera because he didn't like to listen to this kind music!
3. Characteristic of being at leisure or rest; lazy; idle, inactive: Since Rob worked hard in his garden on Tuesday, he decided to be an otiose guy on Wednesday and just relax and read his favorite book.
4. Etymology: "unfruitful, futile"; from Latin otiosus, "having leisure or ease, not busy", from otium, "leisure".

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otiosely (adverb), more otiosely, most otiosely
1. A reference to being lazy or indolent.
2. Characterized by being of no use; ineffective; futile.
2. Characterized by being of no use; ineffective; futile.
1. Serving no useful purpose; having no excuse for being.
2. Producing no result or effect.
3. Disinclined to work or to put forth any exertion.
2. Producing no result or effect.
3. Disinclined to work or to put forth any exertion.
A condition of leisure, indolence, idleness, or ease.
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