latitud-, lati-, latis- +

(Latin: latus, wide, breadth, broad)

With broad leaves.
latisimus, latissimus
1. A reference to a broad anatomical structure; such as, a muscle.
2. Widest.
latissimus dorsi
The widest muscle of the back.
latitude (LAT i tood", LAT i tyood") (s) (noun), latitudes (pl)
1. The scope for freedom of; such as, action or thought; freedom from restrictions: As a teacher, Jill was allowed a certain amount of leeway or latitude in deciding what methods and technical devices she could use in her classes at school.
2. The angular distance between an imaginary line around a heavenly body parallel to its equator and the equator itself: The span designating the horizontal intervals of latitude around the earth are measured in degrees and minutes.
3. Enough scope or leeway for some freedom of choice, action, or thinking: Shirley loves her job because she is allowed a lot of latitude in creating new approaches to achieve her objectives.
4. The degree of overexposure or underexposure that light-sensitive material can accommodate and still provide an acceptable image: Mary took the pictures hoping that the latitude in the film would be appropriate in producing a good contrast in the photographs.
5. In medical radiology, the range of and exposure that can produce a technically correct radiograph: With the technology involving x-rays, the latitude is also it's recording capability, providing the differences in density.
1. Of or pertaining to breadth or latitude; in the direction of latitude or crosswise.
2. The angular distance north or south from the earth's equator measured through 90 degrees.
3. An angular distance of a celestial body from the ecliptic.
4. A region or locality as marked by its latitude.
latitudinal band
In cartography, or maps, any latitukdinal strip, designated by accepted units of linear or angular measurements, which circumscribe the earth.
1. A person who is broad-minded and tolerant; especially, in standards of religious belief and conduct.
2. Someone who is unwilling to accept authority or dogma; especially, in religion.
3. Allowing some freedom in attitude, beliefs, behavior, or interpretation; especially, in religious matters.
1. Freedom or liberality of opinion, particularly in theology.
2. Indifference to religion.

Latitudinarism was initially a pejorative term applied to a group of 17th-century English theologians who believed in conforming to official Church of England practices; but who felt that matters of doctrine, liturgical practices, and ecclesiastical organization were of relatively little importance.

The term has taken on a more general meaning, indicating a personal philosophy which includes being widely tolerant of other views, particularly; but not necessarily, on religious matters.

Having latitude, scope, range, breadth, etc.; especially, of ideas, interests, interpretations, or the like.
latus (s), latera (pl)
The side; the flank.